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2024 | Book

Mastering Corporate Communication

A Modern Guidebook for Future-fit Strategies, Tools and Skills


About this book

"Mastering Corporate Communication" is a comprehensive guide designed to assist communication professionals in navigating the new world of stakeholder capitalism. With the rise of new media, corporate responsibility demands and the constant battle for attention, professionals are faced with an array of challenges.

The book offers an overview of relevant theories and techniques to help professionals master the new reality of corporate communication. It provides a rare glimpse into the corporate machine room of a global company, offering valuable insights and inspiration to communication professionals.

Leading professors from all around the world share their insights and advice, giving readers an opportunity to develop excellent corporate communication skills. The competitive environment requires a new mindset and a necessary agility, and this guide is the perfect resource to help communication professionals thrive in this ever-evolving landscape. With "Mastering Corporate Communication" students and professionals can find inspiration in effective approaches to communication challenges and ways to develop essential tools and competencies to succeed in their careers.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
Communication is at the heart of every organisation today. More than ever before, it is about being a credible organisation in the eyes of all stakeholders. No longer can an organisation be content with addressing one agenda or one group of stakeholders at a time. The requirement is to be visible and accessible all the time, to everyone, everywhere. This is no small challenge. It requires good trust-building communication on all platforms, internally and externally. At the same time, the frequency of both change and crises has increased significantly, and there is no reason to believe that this will change. This means that organisations are challenged as never before, and all these factors call for skilled communicators. Society, customers and investors are holding organisations accountable in new and more ways. Employees are demanding more and more meaning, direction and engagement, as are the talents of the future, for whom there is intense competition. The mediatised reality requires round-the-clock focus, calling for transparency and smart interaction. This means that the professional communicator must master multiple channels and orchestrate the organisation’s own voices wisely.
Anne Katrine Lund, Mette Refshauge
2. Strategic Organisational Communication in a New Era
The world is changing at a dizzying pace. It challenges communicators to navigate in new ways, with new challenges and new demands. Communication is no longer about sending a message when there is something new to tell but about being in open, authentic contact: about being present. This chapter takes a closer look at the new reality of the communicator: From the comprehensive communication theory, what can help us to understand our challenges, role and shared responsibilities?
Anne Katrine Lund, Mette Refshauge
3. Credibility and Trust as a Field of Work
Credibility and trust are fundamental for us to listen to each other. But how do you work with this in practice as a professional communicator? In this chapter, we take a closer look at the elements of credibility and the points to bear in mind when working to build and protect the organisation’s credibility in a transparent reality.
Anne Katrine Lund, Mette Refshauge
4. Corporate Citizenship in a Changing World
That organisations have a responsibility not only for their own products but also for society and our planet, is a new norm called ‘corporate citizenship’. As (co-)responsible citizens, organisations must act differently and communicate on an increasing number of agendas, making it crucial that the professional communicator helps to position the organisation wisely. CEO activism is an important communicative task in corporate citizenship.
Anne Katrine Lund, Mette Refshauge
5. Communication Must Create Contact
The professional communicator must connect at a time when stakeholders want not just information but a relationship with real contact. This is not easy and requires clever orchestration of all the voices of the organisation, from the top manager’s statements to the tone of the article on the intranet and the post on social media. This chapter looks more closely at the facilitation of organisational presence and the demands it places on the professional communicator.
Anne Katrine Lund, Mette Refshauge
6. The Data-Driven Communicator
Listening, measuring and evaluating are key elements in the work of a professional communicator. You can only facilitate contact with stakeholders by actually knowing what they think, believe and feel. You can only know whether an intervention is successful if you keep an eye on its impact. And you can only develop and improve initiatives by constructively evaluating what works and what may be done even better. This chapter focuses on the listening, measuring and evaluating part of the communication work of the professional communicator.
Anne Katrine Lund, Mette Refshauge
7. Internal Stakeholders in Focus
Results, engagement and well-being. As a professional communicator, there are countless reasons to pay particular attention to internal stakeholders. This chapter looks at some of the key factors in creating direction, meaning and engagement through strategic communication.
Anne Katrine Lund, Mette Refshauge
8. Facilitating Change
Never before have organisations wanted or needed to change more frequently than today. That is why it is crucial that the professional communicator is skilled at driving change—from clever design to effective communication in large meetings, films or slideshows. This chapter thus zooms in on the basic knowledge of change and strategic communication that can help turn ambitions into reality.
Anne Katrine Lund, Mette Refshauge
9. When the Crisis Is Triggered
Crises are inevitable. Their size, cause and origin may vary, but as a professional communicator you must always be ready to deal with any crises—and preferably prevent them from happening in the first place. This chapter zooms in on the key points of attention and theories in relation to the communication management of crises.
Anne Katrine Lund, Mette Refshauge
10. Skills of the Future
What does it take to master the role of a professional communicator in a changing world? The requirements are complex and wide-ranging. It is necessary to have strategic understanding, analytical skills, the ability to design, plan and implement good solutions, as well as an understanding of channel options, technology and strong communication skills. But it is also crucial to be able to stand in the middle of organisational power spaces, to build followership and to work according to a well-calibrated ethical compass. This chapter identifies the competencies necessary for the professional communicator to inspire the constant work of developing communication.
Anne Katrine Lund, Mette Refshauge
Mastering Corporate Communication
Anne Katrine Lund
Mette Refshauge
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