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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

35. Mathematical Programming Model for Collaborative Replenishment Between Competitive Supply Chains in the Footwear Sector

Authors : Mario J. Seni, David Peidro

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This work proposes a mathematical programming model to model the collaborative replenishment process between competitive supply chains. The basic objective is to reduce the costs associated with replenishment, production, inventories and customer services by putting to good use volume discounts in a production setting with variable capacity, along with the deferred demand possibility. The collaborative mathematical model is compared to a non-collaborative model, and the cost savings made with collaboration are analyzed. The proposed models are applied to a case study based on real data acquired from three supply chains in the footwear sector in Colombia. The collaborative model’s results indicate cost savings for the participating collaborative enterprises regardless of them being small or large.

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Details of the other data used in the models can be supplied according to requirements.
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Mathematical Programming Model for Collaborative Replenishment Between Competitive Supply Chains in the Footwear Sector
Mario J. Seni
David Peidro
Copyright Year

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