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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

May Contain Nuts: The Case for API Labels

Authors : Cesare Pautasso, Erik Wilde

Published in: Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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As APIs proliferate, managing the constantly growing and evolving API landscapes inside and across organizations becomes a challenge. Part of the management challenge is for APIs to be able to describe themselves, so that users and tooling can use descriptions for finding and filtering APIs. A standardized labeling scheme can help to cover some of the cases where API self-description allows API landscapes to become more usable and scalable. In this paper we present the vision for standardized API labels, which summarize and represent critical aspects of APIs. These aspect allow consumers to more easily become aware of the kind of dependency they are going to establish with the service provider when choosing to use them. API labels not only summarize critical coupling factors, but also can include claims that require to be validated by trusted third parties.

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May Contain Nuts: The Case for API Labels
Cesare Pautasso
Erik Wilde
Copyright Year

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