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01-06-2024 | Chassis, Electric, Fuel Cell, and Hybrid Vehicle, Transmission and Driveline, Vehicle Dynamics and Control

Meta-Model Based Blade Optimization Design Considering the Fluid Characteristics of Vehicle Energy Harvesting

Authors: Hyung Jun Kim, Seong Min Kang, Seon Myeong Kim, Jin Ho Kim

Published in: International Journal of Automotive Technology | Issue 3/2024

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The advancement of transportation machinery has played a crucial role in driving global economic and societal growth. However, this progress has also given rise to challenges, such as the depletion of chemical resources and the escalating impact of climate change. As a result, automobile companies are now prioritizing energy efficiency and transitioning towards eco-friendly vehicles. In response to this demand, various efforts have been made to harvest energy and improve the efficiency of eco-friendly vehicles, with energy-harvesting dampers emerging as a promising solution. This study focuses on the optimization of the shape and design of a rotary power generation system integrated within an energy harvesting system. The primary objective of the rotary power generation system is to convert mechanical motion into electrical energy, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency and sustainability of eco-friendly vehicles. By considering the specific characteristics of SAE 30 W working oil within the damper, the optimal blade shape and generator can be determined to maximize the power generation capabilities of the system.

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Meta-Model Based Blade Optimization Design Considering the Fluid Characteristics of Vehicle Energy Harvesting
Hyung Jun Kim
Seong Min Kang
Seon Myeong Kim
Jin Ho Kim
Publication date
The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
Published in
International Journal of Automotive Technology / Issue 3/2024
Print ISSN: 1229-9138
Electronic ISSN: 1976-3832

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