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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Method Development for Experimental Characterization of Dynamic Strength of Aluminum Structures

Authors : Natalie Schaal, Peter L. Bishay, Erik Serrano, J. Brent Knight

Published in: Topics in Modal Analysis & Parameter Identification, Vol. 9

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Space flight hardware (SFH) experiences intense vibratory loading during flight, which only lasts a few minutes. When determining the appropriate size of these components to withstand such loading without becoming damaged, standard design practice is to assume that the peak dynamic loads are applied statically. In doing so, the resulting stress is compared against a material strength parameter obtained from a quasi-static experiment. Since the near-peak stresses are only experienced over a small fraction of time in reality, this approach leads to design conservatism that unnecessarily increases structural mass as well as the associated inefficiency and financial cost.
In an effort to modernize engineering design standards to appropriately consider the higher practical strength of dynamically loaded structures, this overarching research project seeks to develop an experimental test procedure for quantifying the dynamic strength of metallic alloys as a function of excitation frequency. In the ideal case, the characterization test would include an in situ method for monitoring the onset and progression of plastic deformation of the test specimen undergoing vibratory loading. These new tests are designed to be high-intensity (forcing amplitude), short-term (60 s at full amplitude), and cyclic in nature (sinusoidal excitation via attached stinger to an otherwise cantilevered beam). In addition, the initial alloy under investigation is 6061 aluminum, due to its wide use and applicability for SFH.
Thus far, the primary candidate under development with live capacity is to track hysteresis behavior of the beam from power dissipation trends, calculated via force (from the transducer on excitation stinger) and velocity (measurements from the laser Doppler vibrometer) data and work to distinguish between elastic and plastic features. As a key component of this ongoing method development, any pseudo-live indication of plasticity could be corroborated against the outcome of a pre-post assessment of damage via macroscopic evaluation of beam geometry (i.e., assessing any permanent change in the beam’s tip deflection). Support for experimental design decisions as well as dynamic strength data from tests with excitation frequencies of 10, 40, and 55 Hz will be discussed. This work contributes to the foundation for a new type of vibration-based characterization experiments and generates initial data on the functional strength of 6061 aluminum under the conditions considered.

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Method Development for Experimental Characterization of Dynamic Strength of Aluminum Structures
Natalie Schaal
Peter L. Bishay
Erik Serrano
J. Brent Knight
Copyright Year

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