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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

MEUSec – Method for Enhancing User Experience and Information Security

Authors : Max Sauer, Christoph Becker, Andreas Oberweis, Simon Pfeifer, Jan Sürmeli

Published in: Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia Intelligence

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Digital identity wallets enable the management of digital identities and verification documents such as ID cards and driving licences. This data can be stored efficiently in one place on user devices. Research shows that some of the existing digital identity wallets have user experience and information security deficits. Users struggle to understand the concept of digital identity wallets, personal information is often inadequately secured or released to untrusted parties. Moreover, user experience and information security might influence each other negatively. Hence, it is necessary to consider user experience and information security simultaneously, and to evaluate and improve them together. However, existing methods focus on either aspect and do not consider their interplay. In this paper, we present the MEUSec method to facilitate an analysis and improvement of user experience and information security of digital identity wallets.

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MEUSec – Method for Enhancing User Experience and Information Security
Max Sauer
Christoph Becker
Andreas Oberweis
Simon Pfeifer
Jan Sürmeli
Copyright Year

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