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2024 | Book

Micromachined Mixed-Potential-Type YSZ-Based Sensors for Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring in Automobile Exhaust

Author: Rui You

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

Book Series : Springer Theses


About this book

This book presents original methods to facilitate the development of micro-mixed-potential-type nitrogen dioxide sensors, especially in the following aspects: (i) improvement of sensing performance of electrodes; (ii) enhancement of chemical activity of reaction interface; (iii) development of advanced flexible low-power-consumption mixed-potential-type YSZ-based nitrogen dioxide sensors. Miniaturized sensors have steadily emerged into the commercial marketplace as competitive alternatives for monitoring and controlling the pollution gas in automobile industry. Despite the great potential, the real-world applications for most conventional micro-nitrogen dioxide sensors are still limited due to insufficient sensitivity, unacceptable cost, and the lack of robustness under harsh environmental disturbances. To address the issue, micro-nitrogen dioxide sensors based on mixed potential solid electrolyte is an ongoing area of great academic and technological interest. This book is expectedto be a guide for researchers on the way forward to chase future horizons in the fields of instrumentation, electrochemistry and micro/nano-electronics.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction
Since the twenty-first century, the Chinese economy has increased rapidly and the pace of urban construction at all levels in the country accelerated gradually. Meanwhile, the development of industrial production has brought great pressure to the urban environment, and the problem of urban pollution has become increasingly prominent.
Rui You
Chapter 2. Research on Optimization of Sensitive Properties of Sensor Electrode Materials
Sensing electrode materials are the first media involved in gas reaction, and are regarded as the prerequisite factor of gas sensitive properties of NO2 sensor.
Rui You
Chapter 3. Research on Enhancement Technique of Sensor Boundary Activity
According to the analysis of the mixed potential sensitivity mechanism, the catalytic activity and microstructural morphology of sensitive materials have determined the effective gas concentration able to reach the three-phase boundary.
Rui You
Chapter 4. Research and Development of Flexible Mixed Potential NO2 Sensors with Low Power Consumption
Chapters 3 and 4 focus chiefly on the improvement of the catalytic activity of sensitive materials and the microstructures of the three-phase boundary.
Rui You
Chapter 5. Summary and Prospects
Owing to its working principle and characteristics, the solid electrolyte sensor based on YSZ materials boasts unique advantages and development potential in the field of gas detection at high temperatures.
Rui You
Micromachined Mixed-Potential-Type YSZ-Based Sensors for Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring in Automobile Exhaust
Rui You
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN