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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

23. Microplastics and Associated Plasticizers: Presence and Detection in Cnidarians Used as Possible Bioindicators for Microplastic Contamination in Marine Environments

Authors : Sara Vencato, Francesco Saliu, Valerio Isa, Simone Montano, Davide Seveso, Paolo Galli, Silvia Lavorano, Stefania Coppa, Andrea Camedda, Giorgio Massaro, Giuseppe Andrea de Lucia

Published in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The pollution of the seas caused by the dispersion of plastic litter is one of the most serious environmental emergencies worldwide. Different sampling methodologies have been used to document microplastics presence (<5 mm in size, MPs) in sea water. Current approaches include the use of marine organisms as bioindicators and the detection of plastic-associated contaminants in their tissues, knowing that microplastic can function as vector of contaminants in various organisms. …

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Microplastics and Associated Plasticizers: Presence and Detection in Cnidarians Used as Possible Bioindicators for Microplastic Contamination in Marine Environments
Sara Vencato
Francesco Saliu
Valerio Isa
Simone Montano
Davide Seveso
Paolo Galli
Silvia Lavorano
Stefania Coppa
Andrea Camedda
Giorgio Massaro
Giuseppe Andrea de Lucia
Copyright Year