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27-12-2022 | Technical Article

Microstructural and Mechanical Evaluation of Pure Copper Rods Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation Method of Hydrostatic Cyclic Extrusion Compression

Authors: Armin Siahsarani, Ghader Faraji, Babak Zare Damirchi, Ali Beigzadeh

Published in: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance | Issue 19/2023

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In this study, a severe plastic deformation method of hydrostatic cyclic extrusion compression (HCEC) was used to produce ultrafine-grained copper rods. The process was applied up to two cycles on annealed copper rods and microstructural and mechanical properties of the produced specimens were investigated. The optical and transmission electron microscopy results revealed a notable decrease in the grain size of the sample after the HCEC process. The average grain size of the copper sample after the second cycle of the process reached ~ 292 nm compared to the initial size of ~ 32 μm. Mechanical investigations revealed a considerable increase in the strength and hardness of the samples. The ultimate tensile strength of the copper rods increased to 441.7 MPa after the second pass of the process. Also, the microhardness value increased \(\sim\) 73.4% compared to the initial sample. Generally, HCEC is a notable technique to produce ultrafine-grained copper rods with high lengths and superior characteristics, which can fulfill the requirements of different industries.

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Microstructural and Mechanical Evaluation of Pure Copper Rods Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation Method of Hydrostatic Cyclic Extrusion Compression
Armin Siahsarani
Ghader Faraji
Babak Zare Damirchi
Ali Beigzadeh
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance / Issue 19/2023
Print ISSN: 1059-9495
Electronic ISSN: 1544-1024

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