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2016 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Mobile Interactive Image Sonification for the Blind

Authors : Torsten Wörtwein, Boris Schauerte, Karin Müller, Rainer Stiefelhagen

Published in: Computers Helping People with Special Needs

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Web-based, mobile sonification offers a highly flexible way to give blind users access to graphical information and to solve various everyday as well as job-related tasks. The combination of a touch screen, image processing, and sonification allows the user to hear the content of every image region that he or she indicates with his/her finger position on a tablet or mobile phone. In this paper, we build on and expand our previous work in this area and evaluate how six blind participants can perceive mathematical graphs, bar charts, and floor maps with our sonifications and tactile graphics.

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Mobile Interactive Image Sonification for the Blind
Torsten Wörtwein
Boris Schauerte
Karin Müller
Rainer Stiefelhagen
Copyright Year