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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

23. Model Experimentation Environment for Production Planning

Authors : Andrés Boza, Pedro Gomez-Gasquet, David Pérez-Perales, Faustino Alarcón

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The digital transformation of organizations together with the promotion of new technologies in the field of Industry 4.0 is offering new possibilities in the design of production planning models. This paper focuses on this new context to facilitate model designers and decision-makers the revision of models to adjust them to these new business contexts. Thus, the design of a model experimentation environment for production planning is proposed. The proposal includes three subsystems: Data Modeling, Decision Modeling, and Model Analysis and Investigation: Data Modeling provides quality datasets for the performance of the experiments. Decision Modeling manages the models to be analyzed and to be improved. Finally, Model Analysis and Investigation focus on an experimentation subsystem proposed to analyze the quality and suitability of the models in a concrete experimental context using controlled datasets. Thus, the proposed design facilitates the experimentation of models to later be exploited in business environments.

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Model Experimentation Environment for Production Planning
Andrés Boza
Pedro Gomez-Gasquet
David Pérez-Perales
Faustino Alarcón
Copyright Year

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