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03-06-2023 | Original Paper

Modeling and stability assessment of permanent magnet machine-based DC electrical power system in more electric aircraft

Authors: Ratapon Phosung, Kongpan Areerak, Kongpol Areerak

Published in: Electrical Engineering | Issue 5/2023

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Advances in the areas of electrical and power electronic technologies play a key role in more electric aircraft (MEA), especially in power converters. Therefore, most electrical power loads on MEA are tightly controlled power converters that behave as constant power loads (CPLs). These CPLs look like a small-signal negative impedance that can significantly degrade the overall system stability. The destabilizing effect may result in poor performance until the DC bus voltage of the system does not adhere to the MIL-STD-704F standard. Thus, a stability study is very important to avoid unstable operations. A proposed MEA model which can be derived using the DQ approach is comprehensive in the introduced stability analysis methods in this article. These methods, i.e., a small-signal stability analysis using the eigenvalue theorem, a modal analysis technique called participation factor analysis, and a large-signal stability analysis via phase-plane analysis, are performed to investigate the stability margin. Moreover, the impact of key parameter variations on MEA stability is also taken into account to deliver the ways of parameter selection at the early design stages for an engineer. The MATLAB topology model and processor-in-loop (PIL) simulations validated the analytical results. The results indicate that a good agreement between theoretical, simulation, and PIL results can be achieved.

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go back to reference Uan-Zo-li A, Burgos RP, Lacaux F, Wang F, Boroyevich D (2004) Assessment of multipulse converter average models for stability studies using a quasistationary small-signal technique. In: The 4th international power electronics and motion control conference, pp. 1654–1658. Uan-Zo-li A, Burgos RP, Lacaux F, Wang F, Boroyevich D (2004) Assessment of multipulse converter average models for stability studies using a quasistationary small-signal technique. In: The 4th international power electronics and motion control conference, pp. 1654–1658.
Modeling and stability assessment of permanent magnet machine-based DC electrical power system in more electric aircraft
Ratapon Phosung
Kongpan Areerak
Kongpol Areerak
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Electrical Engineering / Issue 5/2023
Print ISSN: 0948-7921
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0487

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