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More than Joints: Prof. Lothar Gaul’s Contributions to IMAC

Author : Kai Willner

Published in: Nonlinear Structures & Systems, Vol. 1

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Prof. Lothar Gaul, who passed away on December 18, 2018, had a tremendous impact on the joint dynamics community. His contributions to joint mechanics range from the well-known Gaul resonator for the experimental study of isolated joints over numerical methods bridging the micro-scale of surface roughness to the macro-scale of structures to semi-active joints for adaptive damping. However, his interests were much broader, spanning vibrations, wave transmission, and acoustics in structures and fluids including fluid–structure interaction with applications in soil–foundation interaction and structural health monitoring. A characteristic of his research was the elegant combination of experimental and numerical methods, where he made significant contributions to the development of the boundary element method and the numerical modeling of viscoelasticity using fractional derivatives.

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go back to reference Gaul, L., Bohlen, S.: Vibration of structures coupled by nonlinear transfer behaviour of joints. In: Proceedings of the 5th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 86–91, London (1987) Gaul, L., Bohlen, S.: Vibration of structures coupled by nonlinear transfer behaviour of joints. In: Proceedings of the 5th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 86–91, London (1987)
go back to reference Bohlen, S.: Zur Berechnung und Messung mechanischer Schwingungen in Strukturen mit nichtlinearen Fügestellen. Dissertation, UniBw Hamburg (now Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg), Hamburg (1987) Bohlen, S.: Zur Berechnung und Messung mechanischer Schwingungen in Strukturen mit nichtlinearen Fügestellen. Dissertation, UniBw Hamburg (now Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg), Hamburg (1987)
go back to reference Gaul, L.: Structural damping in frequency and time domain. In: Proceedings of the 7th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 177–185, Las Vegas (1989) Gaul, L.: Structural damping in frequency and time domain. In: Proceedings of the 7th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 177–185, Las Vegas (1989)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Nackenhorst, U., Lenz, J., Willner, K.: Nonlinear vibration damping of structures with bolted joints. In: Proceeings of 12th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 875–881, Honolulu (1994) Gaul, L., Nackenhorst, U., Lenz, J., Willner, K.: Nonlinear vibration damping of structures with bolted joints. In: Proceeings of 12th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 875–881, Honolulu (1994)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Mayer, M.: Modeling of joints—an overview. In: Proceedings of the 23rd IMAC, Orlando (2005) Oral Only? Gaul, L., Mayer, M.: Modeling of joints—an overview. In: Proceedings of the 23rd IMAC, Orlando (2005) Oral Only?
go back to reference Mayer, M., Gaul, L.: Modeling of contact interfaces using segment-to-segment-elements for fe vibration analysis. In: Proceedings of the 23rd IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1423–1434, Orlando (2005) Mayer, M., Gaul, L.: Modeling of contact interfaces using segment-to-segment-elements for fe vibration analysis. In: Proceedings of the 23rd IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1423–1434, Orlando (2005)
go back to reference Bograd, S., Schmidt, A., Gaul, L.: Joint damping prediction by thin layer elements. In: Proceedings of the 26th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1567–1576, Orlando (2008) Bograd, S., Schmidt, A., Gaul, L.: Joint damping prediction by thin layer elements. In: Proceedings of the 26th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1567–1576, Orlando (2008)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Mayer, M.: Modeling of contact interfaces in built-up structures by zero-thickness elements. In: Proceedings of the 26th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1590–1598, Orlando (2008) Gaul, L., Mayer, M.: Modeling of contact interfaces in built-up structures by zero-thickness elements. In: Proceedings of the 26th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1590–1598, Orlando (2008)
go back to reference Gaul, L.: Tutorial guideline vdi 3830: Damping of materials and members. In: Proceedings of the 26th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1318–1325, Orlando (2008) Gaul, L.: Tutorial guideline vdi 3830: Damping of materials and members. In: Proceedings of the 26th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1318–1325, Orlando (2008)
go back to reference Gaul, L.: Tutorial guideline vdi 3830: Damping of materials and members. In: Proceedings of 27th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1379–1384, Orlando (2009) Gaul, L.: Tutorial guideline vdi 3830: Damping of materials and members. In: Proceedings of 27th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1379–1384, Orlando (2009)
go back to reference Gaul, L.: Tutorial guideline vdi 3830: Damping of materials and members. In: Proceedings of the 28th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 151–156, Jacksonville (2010) Gaul, L.: Tutorial guideline vdi 3830: Damping of materials and members. In: Proceedings of the 28th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 151–156, Jacksonville (2010)
go back to reference Gaul, L.: Tutorial guideline vdi 3830: Damping of materials and members. In: Proceedings of the 29th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 17–25, Jacksonville (2011) Gaul, L.: Tutorial guideline vdi 3830: Damping of materials and members. In: Proceedings of the 29th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 17–25, Jacksonville (2011)
go back to reference Gaul, L.: Tutorial guideline vdi 3830: Damping of materials and members. In: Proceedings of the 30th IMAC, vol. 5, pp 25–31, Jacksonville (2012) Gaul, L.: Tutorial guideline vdi 3830: Damping of materials and members. In: Proceedings of the 30th IMAC, vol. 5, pp 25–31, Jacksonville (2012)
go back to reference Göge, D., Füllkrug, U., Link, M., Gaul, L.: Intl - a strategy for the identification and characterization of nonlinearities within modal survey testing. In: Proceedings of the 22nd IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 1077–1090, Dearborn (2004) Göge, D., Füllkrug, U., Link, M., Gaul, L.: Intl - a strategy for the identification and characterization of nonlinearities within modal survey testing. In: Proceedings of the 22nd IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 1077–1090, Dearborn (2004)
go back to reference Engelke, S., Schaal, C., Gaul, L.: Model identification for a modal state estimator from output-only data. In: Proceedins of the 28th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1305–1312, Jacksonville (2010) Engelke, S., Schaal, C., Gaul, L.: Model identification for a modal state estimator from output-only data. In: Proceedins of the 28th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1305–1312, Jacksonville (2010)
go back to reference Engelke, S., Gaul, L., Pott, J.U., Kürster, M., Trowitsch, J.: Process noise identification and observer design for the large binocular telescope. In: Proceedings of the 30th IMAC, vol. 5, pp. 407–414, Jacksonville (2012) Engelke, S., Gaul, L., Pott, J.U., Kürster, M., Trowitsch, J.: Process noise identification and observer design for the large binocular telescope. In: Proceedings of the 30th IMAC, vol. 5, pp. 407–414, Jacksonville (2012)
go back to reference Reuss, P., Kruse, S., Peter, S., Morlock, F., Gaul, L.: Identification for nonlinear joint characteristic in dynamic substructuring. In: Proceedings of the 31st IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 27–36, Garden Grove (2013) Reuss, P., Kruse, S., Peter, S., Morlock, F., Gaul, L.: Identification for nonlinear joint characteristic in dynamic substructuring. In: Proceedings of the 31st IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 27–36, Garden Grove (2013)
go back to reference Peter, S., Gundler, M., Reuss, P., Gaul, L., Leine, R.I.: Towards finite element model updating based on nonlinear modes. In: Proceedings of the 33rd IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 209–217, Orlando (2015) Peter, S., Gundler, M., Reuss, P., Gaul, L., Leine, R.I.: Towards finite element model updating based on nonlinear modes. In: Proceedings of the 33rd IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 209–217, Orlando (2015)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Moll, W.: Substructuring using experimental data. In: Proceedigns of the 20th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 739–743, Los Angeles (2002) Gaul, L., Moll, W.: Substructuring using experimental data. In: Proceedigns of the 20th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 739–743, Los Angeles (2002)
go back to reference Becker, J., Gaul, L.: Cms methods for efficient damping prediction for structures with friction. In: Proceedigns of the 26th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1577–1589, Orlando (2008) Becker, J., Gaul, L.: Cms methods for efficient damping prediction for structures with friction. In: Proceedigns of the 26th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1577–1589, Orlando (2008)
go back to reference Reuss, P., Zeumer, B., Herrmann, J., Gaul, L.: Consideration of interface damping in dynamic substructuring. In: Proceedigns of the 30th IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 81–88, Jacksonville (2012) Reuss, P., Zeumer, B., Herrmann, J., Gaul, L.: Consideration of interface damping in dynamic substructuring. In: Proceedigns of the 30th IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 81–88, Jacksonville (2012)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Wagner, N.: Eigenpath dynamics of nonconservative mechanical systems such as disc brakes. In: Proceedigns of the 22nd IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1386–1392, Dearborn (2004) Gaul, L., Wagner, N.: Eigenpath dynamics of nonconservative mechanical systems such as disc brakes. In: Proceedigns of the 22nd IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1386–1392, Dearborn (2004)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Lenz, J., Sachau, D.: Active damping of space structures by contact pressure control in joints. In: Proceedigns of the 15th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 202–208, Orlando (1997) Gaul, L., Lenz, J., Sachau, D.: Active damping of space structures by contact pressure control in joints. In: Proceedigns of the 15th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 202–208, Orlando (1997)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Stöbener, U.: Active damping of space structures by contact pressure control in joints. In: Proceedigns of the 18th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 153–159, San Antonio (2000) Gaul, L., Stöbener, U.: Active damping of space structures by contact pressure control in joints. In: Proceedigns of the 18th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 153–159, San Antonio (2000)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Nitsche, R.: Semi-active control of friction driven systems. In: Proceedigns of the 19th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 64–70, Kissimmee (2000) Gaul, L., Nitsche, R.: Semi-active control of friction driven systems. In: Proceedigns of the 19th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 64–70, Kissimmee (2000)
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go back to reference Becker, J., Gaul, L.: Semi-active control of adaptive friction dampers for structural control. In: Proceedigns of the 25th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 78–86, Orlando (2007) Becker, J., Gaul, L.: Semi-active control of adaptive friction dampers for structural control. In: Proceedigns of the 25th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 78–86, Orlando (2007)
go back to reference Allgaier, R., Gaul, L., Keiper, W., Willner, K., Hoffmann, N.: A study on brake squeal using a beam-on-disc model. In: Proceedigns of the 20th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 528–534, Los Angeles (2002) Allgaier, R., Gaul, L., Keiper, W., Willner, K., Hoffmann, N.: A study on brake squeal using a beam-on-disc model. In: Proceedigns of the 20th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 528–534, Los Angeles (2002)
go back to reference Simon, P., Reuss, P., Gaul, L.: Identification of sub- and higher harmonic vibrations in vibro-impact systems. In: Proceedigns of the 32nd IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 131–140, Orlando (2014) Simon, P., Reuss, P., Gaul, L.: Identification of sub- and higher harmonic vibrations in vibro-impact systems. In: Proceedigns of the 32nd IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 131–140, Orlando (2014)
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go back to reference Müller, T., Hurlebaus, S., Stöbener, U., Gaul, L.: Modelling and control techniques of an active vibration isolation system. In: Proceedigns of the 23rd IMAC, vol. 4, pp. 1640–1651, Orlando (2005) Müller, T., Hurlebaus, S., Stöbener, U., Gaul, L.: Modelling and control techniques of an active vibration isolation system. In: Proceedigns of the 23rd IMAC, vol. 4, pp. 1640–1651, Orlando (2005)
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go back to reference Hurlebaus, S., Gaul, L.: Intelligent layer for diagnosing the integrity of structures in real time. In: Proceedigns of the 21st IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 131–137, Kissimmee (2003) Hurlebaus, S., Gaul, L.: Intelligent layer for diagnosing the integrity of structures in real time. In: Proceedigns of the 21st IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 131–137, Kissimmee (2003)
go back to reference Beadle, B.M., Hurlebaus, S., Jacobs, L.J., Gaul, L.: Detection and localization of small notches in plates using lamb waves. In: Proceedigns of the 23rd IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 998–1005, Orlando (2005) Beadle, B.M., Hurlebaus, S., Jacobs, L.J., Gaul, L.: Detection and localization of small notches in plates using lamb waves. In: Proceedigns of the 23rd IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 998–1005, Orlando (2005)
go back to reference Bischoff, S., Gaul, L.: Simulation of guided wave interaction with defects in rope structures. In: Proceedigns of the 31st IMAC, vol. 6, pp. 603–609, Garden Grove (2013) Bischoff, S., Gaul, L.: Simulation of guided wave interaction with defects in rope structures. In: Proceedigns of the 31st IMAC, vol. 6, pp. 603–609, Garden Grove (2013)
go back to reference Bischoff, S., Gaul, L.: Wave analyses in structural waveguides using a boundary element approach. In: Proceedigns of the 32nd IMAC, vol. 5, pp. 11–18, Orlando (2014) Bischoff, S., Gaul, L.: Wave analyses in structural waveguides using a boundary element approach. In: Proceedigns of the 32nd IMAC, vol. 5, pp. 11–18, Orlando (2014)
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go back to reference Gaul, L.: Zur Dynamik der Wechselwirkung von Strukturen mit dem Baugrund. Habilitation thesis, TU Hannover (now Leibniz-Universität Hannover), Hannover (1980) Gaul, L.: Zur Dynamik der Wechselwirkung von Strukturen mit dem Baugrund. Habilitation thesis, TU Hannover (now Leibniz-Universität Hannover), Hannover (1980)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Plenge, M.: Optoelectronic measurement and calculation of surface wave propagation on irregular solid domains. In: Proceedigns of the 9th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 165–170, Florence (1991) Gaul, L., Plenge, M.: Optoelectronic measurement and calculation of surface wave propagation on irregular solid domains. In: Proceedigns of the 9th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 165–170, Florence (1991)
go back to reference Gaul, L.: Mechanical mobility of elastomer isolators. In: Proceedigns of the 8th IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 1080–1086, Kissimmee (1990) Gaul, L.: Mechanical mobility of elastomer isolators. In: Proceedigns of the 8th IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 1080–1086, Kissimmee (1990)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Wittekind, D.: Modal analysis for optimizing high performance resilient mounting systems on ships. In: Proceedigns of the 11th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 88–95, Kissimmee (1993) Gaul, L., Wittekind, D.: Modal analysis for optimizing high performance resilient mounting systems on ships. In: Proceedigns of the 11th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 88–95, Kissimmee (1993)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Schanz, M.: Material damping formulations in boundary element methods. In: Proceedigns of the 16th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 1420–1425, Santa Barbara (1998) Gaul, L., Schanz, M.: Material damping formulations in boundary element methods. In: Proceedigns of the 16th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 1420–1425, Santa Barbara (1998)
go back to reference Schmidt, A., Gaul, L.: Experimental investigations and numerical treatment of viscoelastic materials. In: Proceedigns of the 26th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1557–1566, Orlando (2008) Schmidt, A., Gaul, L.: Experimental investigations and numerical treatment of viscoelastic materials. In: Proceedigns of the 26th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1557–1566, Orlando (2008)
go back to reference Nolte, B., Gaul, L.: Fluid-structure-interaction with the bounday element method. In: Proceedigns of the 17th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 496–502, Kissimmee (1999) Nolte, B., Gaul, L.: Fluid-structure-interaction with the bounday element method. In: Proceedigns of the 17th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 496–502, Kissimmee (1999)
go back to reference Brunner, D., Junge, M., Wilken, M., Cabos, C., Gaul, L.: Vibro-acoustic simulations of ships by coupled fast be-fe approaches. In: Proceedigns of the 27th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 331–340, Orlando (2009) Brunner, D., Junge, M., Wilken, M., Cabos, C., Gaul, L.: Vibro-acoustic simulations of ships by coupled fast be-fe approaches. In: Proceedigns of the 27th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 331–340, Orlando (2009)
go back to reference Maess, M., Gaul, L.: Component mode synthesis for efficient structure-acoustic simulation of piping systems. In: Proceedigns of the 24th IMAC, vol. 5, pp. 2157–2165, St. Louis (2006) Maess, M., Gaul, L.: Component mode synthesis for efficient structure-acoustic simulation of piping systems. In: Proceedigns of the 24th IMAC, vol. 5, pp. 2157–2165, St. Louis (2006)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Junge, M.: Acoustic-structure simulation of exhaust systems by coupled fem and fast bem. In: Proceedigns of the 25th IMAC, vol. 4, pp. 2338–2345, Orlando (2007) Gaul, L., Junge, M.: Acoustic-structure simulation of exhaust systems by coupled fem and fast bem. In: Proceedigns of the 25th IMAC, vol. 4, pp. 2338–2345, Orlando (2007)
go back to reference Junge, M., Brunner, D., Gaul, L.: A sound radiation index for an efficient prediction of radiated sound power. In: Proceedigns of the 26th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 406–413, Orlando (2008) Junge, M., Brunner, D., Gaul, L.: A sound radiation index for an efficient prediction of radiated sound power. In: Proceedigns of the 26th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 406–413, Orlando (2008)
go back to reference Herrmann, J., Maess, M., Gaul, L.: Efficient substructuring techniques for the investigation of fluid-filled pipes. In: Proceedigns of the 27th IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 882–890, Orlando (2009) Herrmann, J., Maess, M., Gaul, L.: Efficient substructuring techniques for the investigation of fluid-filled pipes. In: Proceedigns of the 27th IMAC, vol. 2, pp. 882–890, Orlando (2009)
go back to reference Herrmann, J., Junge, M., Gaul, L.: Model reduction and substructuring techniques for the vibro-acoustic simulation of automotive piping and exhaust systems. In: Proceedigns of the 28th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1055–1064, Jacksonville (2010) Herrmann, J., Junge, M., Gaul, L.: Model reduction and substructuring techniques for the vibro-acoustic simulation of automotive piping and exhaust systems. In: Proceedigns of the 28th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1055–1064, Jacksonville (2010)
go back to reference Gaul, L.: Acoustic fluid-structure interaction of cars and ships (tutorial). In: Proceedigns of the 29th IMAC, vol. 6, pp. 247–253, Jacksonville (2011) Gaul, L.: Acoustic fluid-structure interaction of cars and ships (tutorial). In: Proceedigns of the 29th IMAC, vol. 6, pp. 247–253, Jacksonville (2011)
go back to reference Gaul, L.: Acoustic fluid-structure interaction of cars and ships (tutorial). In: Proceedigns of the 30th IMAC, vol. 5, pp. 465–469, Jacksonville (2012) Gaul, L.: Acoustic fluid-structure interaction of cars and ships (tutorial). In: Proceedigns of the 30th IMAC, vol. 5, pp. 465–469, Jacksonville (2012)
go back to reference Gaul, L., Oexl, S., Hanss, M.: Inverse fuzzy arithmetic for model identification of bolted joints. In: Proceedigns of the 21st IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 731–737, Kissimmee (2003) Gaul, L., Oexl, S., Hanss, M.: Inverse fuzzy arithmetic for model identification of bolted joints. In: Proceedigns of the 21st IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 731–737, Kissimmee (2003)
go back to reference Hanss, M., Gauger, U., Gaul, L.: Modeling and simulation of vibrating automotive components with uncertain parameters using fuzzy arithmetic. In: Proceedigns of the 23rd IMAC, vol. 4, pp. 1747–1755, Orlando (2005) Hanss, M., Gauger, U., Gaul, L.: Modeling and simulation of vibrating automotive components with uncertain parameters using fuzzy arithmetic. In: Proceedigns of the 23rd IMAC, vol. 4, pp. 1747–1755, Orlando (2005)
go back to reference Hanss, M., Pieringer, A., Becker, J., Maess, M., Gaul, L.: Fuzzy analysis of actively damped piezoelectric structures with uncertainties. In: Proceedigns of the 24th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 272–283, St. Louis (2006) Hanss, M., Pieringer, A., Becker, J., Maess, M., Gaul, L.: Fuzzy analysis of actively damped piezoelectric structures with uncertainties. In: Proceedigns of the 24th IMAC, vol. 1, pp. 272–283, St. Louis (2006)
go back to reference Gauger, U., Hanss, M., Gaul, L.: On the inclusion of uncertain parameters in brake squeal analysis. In: Proceedigns of the 24th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1193–1201, St. Louis (2006) Gauger, U., Hanss, M., Gaul, L.: On the inclusion of uncertain parameters in brake squeal analysis. In: Proceedigns of the 24th IMAC, vol. 3, pp. 1193–1201, St. Louis (2006)
More than Joints: Prof. Lothar Gaul’s Contributions to IMAC
Kai Willner
Copyright Year