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ATZ worldwide

ATZ worldwide: The trade magazine for technology-oriented management in the automotive industry provides the very latest information from research and development.


MTZ worldwide

MTZ worldwide is always in pole position when it comes to engine development and technology. Packed with detailed reports from research and development for highly specialised engineers.


ATZelectronics worldwide

ATZelectronics worldwide reports on the very latest trends and developments in automotive electronics. On a high scientific level and with a unique depth of information.


ATZheavy duty worldwide

ATZheavy duty worldwide  is a one-of-a-kind special-interest magazine for specialised vehicles and engines in an emergent market.


Interceram - International Ceramic Review

The English-Language Interceram - International Ceramic Review is a comprehensive source on science and technology in the areas of the ceramics and related technologies.


IST International Surface Technology

The international Edition of JOT - Germany's Leading Magazine For Surface Technology.


KI - Künstliche Intelligenz

German Journal of Artificial Intelligence

The Scientific journal "KI – Künstliche Intelligenz" is the official journal of the division for artificial intelligence within the "Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V." (GI) with contributions from throughout the field of artificial intelligence.


Business & Information Systems Engineering

The International Journal of WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK

BISE (Business & Information Systems Engineering) is an international scholarly and double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific research on the effective and efficient design and utilization of information systems by individuals, groups, enterprises, and society for the improvement of social welfare.


Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Official Publication of the Academy of Marketing Science

The Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) is devoted to the study and improvement of marketing and serves as a vital link between scholarly research and practice by publishing research-based articles in the substantive domain of …


Journal of Materials Science

The Journal of Materials Science publishes reviews, full-length papers, and short Communications recording original research results on, or techniques for studying the relationship between structure, properties, and uses of materials.


Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

The Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics is an established refereed companion to the Journal of Materials Science.


Auto Tech Review

The language of technology

Auto Tech Review – the language of technology is India’s first magazine focussed on the growing automotive engineering industry and community.


Journal of Business Ethics

The Journal of Business Ethics publishes only original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business that bring something new or unique to the discourse in their field.


Business Research

Business Research publishes high-quality articles covering both traditional fields of business administration and cross-functional, multidisciplinary research that reflects the complex character of business problems. Of particular interest are …


Environmental Earth Sciences

Environmental Earth Sciences is an international multidisciplinary journal concerned with all aspects of interaction between humans, natural resources, ecosystems, special climates or unique geographic zones, and the earth.


International Journal of Automotive Technology

The International Journal of Automotive Technology has as its objective the publication and dissemination of original research in all fields of AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY, SCIENCE and ENGINEERING.


Journal of Big Data

Journal of Big Data publishes high-quality, scholarly research papers, methodologies and case studies covering a broad range of topics, from big data analytics to data-intensive computing and all applications of big data research. The journal …


Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (JMST) is an official monthly International transaction of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME). The current journal name was adopted in 2005. The first issue of the journal appeared in …



Cellulose is an international journal devoted to the dissemination of research and scientific and technological progress in the field of cellulose and related naturally occurring polymers. The journal is concerned with the pure and applied science  of cellulose and related materials, and also with the development of relevant new technologies.


The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Int J Life Cycle Assess) is the first journal devoted entirely to Life Cycle Assessment and closely related methods. LCA has become a recognized instrument to assess the ecological burdens and impacts throughout the consecutive and interlinked stages of a product system.


Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology

The Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (JSST) provides an international forum for the dissemination of scientific, technological, and general knowledge about materials processed by chemical nanotechnologies known as the "sol-gel" process.


Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

The Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (JMEP) offers articles that assist in solving day-to-day engineering challenges, especially those involving components for larger systems.


Soft Computing

A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications

Soft Computing is dedicated to system solutions based on soft computing techniques. It provides rapid dissemination of important results in soft computing technologies.


Neural Computing and Applications

Neural Computing & Applications is an international journal which publishes original research and other information in the field of practical applications of neural computing and related techniques such as genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic and neuro-fuzzy systems.


Journal of Nanoparticle Research

An Interdisciplinary Forum for Nanoscale Science and Technology

The Journal of Nanoparticle Research is a monthly peer-reviewed journal that explores the specific concepts, properties, phenomena and processes of structures at the nanoscale.


Geotechnical and Geological Engineering

An International Journal

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering publishes papers in the areas of soil and rock engineering and also of geology as applied in the civil engineering, mining and petroleum industries.


Journal of Polymer Research

The journal provides a forum for the prompt publication of articles concerning the fundamental and applied research of polymers. Its great feature lies in the diversity of content which it encompasses.


Microsystem Technologies

Micro- and Nanosystems Information Storage and Processing Systems

Featuring rapid publication of important results, Microsystem Technologies examines electromechanical, materials, design, and manufacturing issues of microsystems and their components. It integrates the knowledge, experience, and capabilities of academic and industrial specialists in many fields.


Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

Processing of Biogenic Material for Energy and Chemistry

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery presents articles and information on research, development and applications in thermo-chemical conversion; physico-chemical conversion and bio-chemical conversion, including all necessary steps for the provision and preparation of the biomass.


Optical and Quantum Electronics

Optical and Quantum Electronics provides an international forum for the publication of original research papers, tutorial reviews and letters in such fields as optical physics, optical engineering and optoelectronics.