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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Motivators for the Second-Hand Shopping Through Mobile Commerce

Authors : Cigdem Altin Gumussoy, Aycan Kaya, Sezin Bahar Unal

Published in: Industrial Engineering in the Digital Disruption Era

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This study aims to reveal the factors affecting the use of second-hand shopping through a mobile application. An extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), including economic advantage, natural conservation, sustainable consumption, trust, convenience, and subjective norms is constructed. A total of 318 questionnaires are collected from the users of one of the second-hand shopping application-Letgo. Regression analysis is used to reveal the relationships defined in the model. First, the results of the study confirm the relations defined in TAM in the context of second-hand shopping. Furthermore, behavioral intention to use is affected by perceived usefulness, subjective norms, convenience, and perceived ease of use. Perceived usefulness and subjective norms have a higher impact than others. Another result is that perceived ease of use, economic advantage, sustainable consumption, natural conservation, and subjective norms impact the feeling about the usefulness of second-hand shopping system. Among the factors, perceived ease of use and economic advantage have higher importance on perceived usefulness.

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Motivators for the Second-Hand Shopping Through Mobile Commerce
Cigdem Altin Gumussoy
Aycan Kaya
Sezin Bahar Unal
Copyright Year

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