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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

15. Moving According to Plan!

Moves Do Not Mean Much Until They Are Integrated into a Coherent Plan

Author : Raphael H Cohen

Published in: Pre-Project Excellence

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter discusses the importance of having two Action Plans in managing projects, concepts, and opportunities. It emphasizes the need to reduce Unknowns before launching any project while highlighting the critical role of the IpOp Model in identifying Unknowns/uncertainties as early as possible, as recommended by ISO 56007.
The content of this chapter can be used to understand the selection criteria mentioned in ISO 56007, such as reducing uncertainties and feasibility of the Action Plan. It also highlights the importance of risk analysis, which aligns partially with ISO 56007’s consideration of risk exposure. This chapter also mentions the significance of having a champion and a driven team that has the required skills to deliver the Definition of Success. Additionally, it emphasizes the need for senior management support and alignment with corporate procedures, which are crucial aspects of ISO 56007. By applying the concepts and principles discussed in this chapter, organizations can effectively implement ISO 56007 and improve their management of projects, concepts, opportunities, and ideas.

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Another easier to remember version is the TAHALBUNS syndrome (Try As Hard As you Like, But You’ll Never Succeed).
See Chap. 14.
Subprime loans were innovative financial products with an underestimated risk component (the possibility that the real estate market could crash and many people who would not be able to honor their financial obligations was underestimated).
See Chap. 14.
As indicated in Chap. 5.
See Chap. 9.
As explained in Chap. 5.
See step 5 in “The process from idea to launch” in Chap. 5.
See steps 5–7 in “The process from idea to launch” in Chap. 5.
Moving According to Plan!
Raphael H Cohen
Copyright Year

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