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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

36. Moving Toward the Physical Internet: A Model that Moves Toward Sustainability Against a Necessary Backdrop of Industrial Transformation

Authors : Carlos Alonso de Armiño, Roberto Alcalde Delgado, Luis Santiago García Pineda, Manuel Manzanedo

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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A new idea is emerging more and more strongly in the European Union (EU), of the so-called Physical Internet, a model that aims to handle physical goods in their storage and transport processes in a parallel way to how the Internet handles data, which involves efficiency and sustainability. Some steps and considerations will be required, and in the background, we perceive an appreciable necessary transformation in the volumes and dimensions of the goods to be transported and therefore in the industrial and consumer products.

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Moving Toward the Physical Internet: A Model that Moves Toward Sustainability Against a Necessary Backdrop of Industrial Transformation
Carlos Alonso de Armiño
Roberto Alcalde Delgado
Luis Santiago García Pineda
Manuel Manzanedo
Copyright Year

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