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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Multi-functional Integration in Clay-Cardboard Sandwich Structure with Semi-automated Manufacturing

Authors : Ralf Gliniorz, Marco Lindner, Sandra Gelbrich

Published in: Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering III

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Lightweight structures, especially sandwiches made from resource-efficient, ecological, and sustainable construction methods in automated manufacturing processes, are important topics for the future. This paper reports on the development of a sandwich construction method based on the use of clay as a face material, natural fiber-based reinforcement systems, and corrugated cardboard elements as shear-resistant cores using robot-assisted manufacturing. The free moldability of the clay and the freedom of design in producing the corrugated cardboard elements allow for both flat and curved sandwich elements. The use of natural fiber-based reinforcement systems also allows the thickness of the clay surface layers to be adapted and reduced, which contributes significantly to mass reduction and offers the possibility of increasing the proportion of thermal insulation materials. The compartmentalized structure of the core can be specifically used to integrate acoustic or thermal insulation materials. Bio-based materials such as cellulose flocks, jute, hemp, or flax are particularly suitable. Functional integration has been successfully expanded to include surface heating and the integration of light and touch sensors for light control.

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Multi-functional Integration in Clay-Cardboard Sandwich Structure with Semi-automated Manufacturing
Ralf Gliniorz
Marco Lindner
Sandra Gelbrich
Copyright Year