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01-06-2024 | Research Paper

Multidimensional Flourishing in Africa: An Intracontinental Analysis of 38 Well-Being Indicators in 40 Countries

Authors: Victor Counted, Richard G. Cowden, Timothy Lomas

Published in: Journal of Happiness Studies | Issue 5/2024

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Despite the rising global interest in well-being and its various dimensions, research in this area has been criticized for its Western-centric conceptual and geographical emphasis. In this cross-sectional study, we leverage more than 30 indicators of well-being from three years of Gallup World Poll (2020–2022) data to explore the diversity of well-being in nationally representative samples from 40 countries on the African continent (N = 90,093). Our descriptive analysis provided evidence of between-country differences in well-being, including among countries within the same region. There was also some evidence of within-country variation across the indicators of well-being. We draw on several theoretical perspectives to discuss the diverse experiences of well-being in the African context, highlighting the importance of applying a culturally sensitive lens to understanding and promoting well-being. Our descriptive exploration of multidimensional well-being in Africa shines a spotlight on a part of the world that has received comparatively less empirical attention in this area, and provides a useful foundation for future research toward building a more inclusive and diverse global picture of human flourishing.

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Multidimensional Flourishing in Africa: An Intracontinental Analysis of 38 Well-Being Indicators in 40 Countries
Victor Counted
Richard G. Cowden
Timothy Lomas
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Journal of Happiness Studies / Issue 5/2024
Print ISSN: 1389-4978
Electronic ISSN: 1573-7780

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