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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Nature-Based Approaches to Protect the Shoreline in Urban Environments: The Case of Benidorm (Spain)

Authors : Ignacio Toledo, José Ignacio Pagán, Isabel López, Luis Aragonés

Published in: Urban Climate Change Adaptation

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Erosion is becoming one of the biggest problems affecting coastlines around the world. The lack of sediment supply, the increase in storms intensity and sea level rise are behind the continuous damage that affects the coast, especially in urban areas. In this study, a review of solutions has been carried out in various parts of the world to mitigate the unwanted effects of erosion in urban environments, with special emphasis on the city of Benidorm (Spain). Benidorm is an international tourist destination, whose shoreline is no exception to the effects of climate change, with a greater storms intensity that causes continuous flooding, both on the beach berm and on the promenade. For this reason, the construction of an artificial dune parallel to the coastline is proposed in order to contain the strength of the waves and the storm surge. The dune will be made up of a coarser sand size inside, favoring the drainage of the dune and being able to mix with the sand from the beach once it is destroyed by the strong waves, having to be rebuilt after the passage of the storm. Low vegetation will be planted on this dune to prevent part of the sand from ending up deposited on the promenade, also minimizing the visual impact. The solution proposed here to contain the flood level can be exported to other parts of the world, forming part of the catalog of nature-based solutions that the coastal engineer must have for proper management of the shoreline.

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Nature-Based Approaches to Protect the Shoreline in Urban Environments: The Case of Benidorm (Spain)
Ignacio Toledo
José Ignacio Pagán
Isabel López
Luis Aragonés
Copyright Year