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2015 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

New Dimensions in Testimony: Digitally Preserving a Holocaust Survivor’s Interactive Storytelling

Authors : David Traum, Andrew Jones, Kia Hays, Heather Maio, Oleg Alexander, Ron Artstein, Paul Debevec, Alesia Gainer, Kallirroi Georgila, Kathleen Haase, Karen Jungblut, Anton Leuski, Stephen Smith, William Swartout

Published in: Interactive Storytelling

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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We describe a digital system that allows people to have an interactive conversation with a human storyteller (a Holocaust survivor) who has recorded a number of dialogue contributions, including many compelling narratives of his experiences and thoughts. The goal is to preserve as much as possible of the experience of face-to-face interaction. The survivor’s stories, answers to common questions, and testimony are recorded in high fidelity, and then delivered interactively to an audience as responses to spoken questions. People can ask questions and receive answers on a broad range of topics including the survivor’s experiences before, after and during the war, his attitudes and philosophy. Evaluation results show that most user questions can be addressed by the system, and that audiences are highly engaged with the resulting interaction.

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New Dimensions in Testimony: Digitally Preserving a Holocaust Survivor’s Interactive Storytelling
David Traum
Andrew Jones
Kia Hays
Heather Maio
Oleg Alexander
Ron Artstein
Paul Debevec
Alesia Gainer
Kallirroi Georgila
Kathleen Haase
Karen Jungblut
Anton Leuski
Stephen Smith
William Swartout
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