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01-12-2020 | Original Article

Nonlinear dynamic information propagation mathematic modeling and analysis based on microblog social network

Authors: Xiaoyang Liu, Daobing He

Published in: Social Network Analysis and Mining | Issue 1/2020

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Based on the complex network theory and topological properties of scale-free network, a new information propagation model (Susceptible Exposed Inactive Infected Recovered, SEIIR) and dynamic evolution equations are proposed based on microblog social network in this paper. Firstly, we analyze the structure of microblog social network through simulating the real microblog social network environment, and the topological properties of the microblog network are researched. Secondly, microblog network structure and topological properties, traditional information propagation models (SIR, SIRS and SEIR) and evolution mechanism are also studied. Dynamic evolution equations of information propagation are constructed in microblog network, and nonlinear dynamic information propagation model is proposed. Effect factors of the information propagation process in microblog network are investigated. Finally, a series of simulation experiments are carried out. Simulation results show that the proposed new SEIIR model and information propagation dynamic evolution equations are reasonable and effective. It reveals the relationship between the state of microblog social network nodes and the evolution public opinion. It accurately depicts the information interaction mechanism and diffusion pattern in online social network. It provides a new scientific method and research approach for the study of social network public opinion evolution and information propagation.

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Nonlinear dynamic information propagation mathematic modeling and analysis based on microblog social network
Xiaoyang Liu
Daobing He
Publication date
Springer Vienna
Published in
Social Network Analysis and Mining / Issue 1/2020
Print ISSN: 1869-5450
Electronic ISSN: 1869-5469

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