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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Nonlinear Normal Modes of Highly Flexible Beam Structures Modelled Under the \(SE(2)\) Lie Group Framework

Authors : Amir K. Bagheri, Valentin Sonneville, Ludovic Renson

Published in: Nonlinear Structures & Systems, Vol. 1

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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We compute the periodic responses of geometrically nonlinear beam structures modelled using the Special Euclidean \(SE(2)\) Lie group formulation using shooting and pseudo-arclength continuation. Nonlinear normal modes (NNMs) are calculated for a cantilever beam and are compared to those obtained using a reference displacement-based finite element (FE) model with von Kàrmàn strains. Some specificities of the shooting algorithm which are unique to the underlying Lie group framework are discussed.

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Nonlinear Normal Modes of Highly Flexible Beam Structures Modelled Under the Lie Group Framework
Amir K. Bagheri
Valentin Sonneville
Ludovic Renson
Copyright Year