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2019 | Book

Numerical Software Verification

12th International Workshop, NSV 2019, New York City, NY, USA, July 13–14, 2019, Proceedings


About this book

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification, NSV 2019, held in New York City, NY, USA, in July 2019 - colocated with the International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2019.

The 5 full papers presented together with 2 short papers, 3 abstracts of invited talks, and 2 tutorial papers were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions.

The NSV 2017 workshop is dedicated to the development of logical and mathematical techniques for the reasoning about programmability and reliability.

Table of Contents



Trust, Resilience and Interpretability of AI Models
In this tutorial, we present our recent work on building trusted, resilient and interpretable AI models by combining symbolic methods developed for automated reasoning with connectionist learning methods that use deep neural networks. The increasing adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning in systems, including safety-critical systems, has created a pressing need for developing scalable techniques that can be used to establish trust over their safe behavior, resilience to adversarial attacks, and interpretability to enable human audits. This tutorial is comprised of three components: review of techniques for verification of neural networks, methods for using geometric invariants to defend against adversarial attacks, and techniques for extracting logical symbolic rules by reverse engineering machine learning models. These techniques form the core of TRINITY: Trusted, Resilient and Interpretable AI framework being developed at SRI. In this tutorial, we identify the key challenges in building the TRINITY framework, and report recent results on each of these three fronts.
Susmit Jha
Reinforcement Learning and Formal Requirements
Reinforcement learning is an approach to controller synthesis where agents rely on reward signals to choose actions in order to satisfy the requirements implicit in reward signals. Oftentimes non-experts have to come up with the requirements and their translation to rewards under significant time pressure, even though manual translation is time consuming and error prone. For safety-critical applications of reinforcement learning a rigorous design methodology is needed and, in particular, a principled approach to requirement specification and to the translation of objectives into the form required by reinforcement learning algorithms.
Formal logic provides a foundation for the rigorous and unambiguous requirement specification of learning objectives. However, reinforcement learning algorithms require requirements to be expressed as scalar reward signals. We discuss a recent technique, called limit-reachability, that bridges this gap by faithfully translating logic-based requirements into the scalar reward form needed in model-free reinforcement learning. This technique enables the synthesis of controllers that maximize the probability to satisfy given logical requirements using off-the-shelf, model-free reinforcement learning algorithms.
Fabio Somenzi, Ashutosh Trivedi

Contributed Papers

An Evaluation of Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Property Falsification on Hybrid Flight Control Laws
The formal verification and validation of real-world, industrial critical hybrid flight controllers remains a very challenging task. An increasingly popular and quite successful alternative to formal verification is the use of optimization and reinforcement learning techniques to maximize some real-valued reward function encoding the robustness margin to the falsification of a property. In this paper we present an evaluation of a simple Monte-Carlo Tree Search property falsification algorithm, applied to select properties of a longitudinal hybrid flight control law: a threshold overshoot property, two frequential properties, and a discrete event-based property.
Rémi Delmas, Thomas Loquen, Josep Boada-Bauxell, Mathieu Carton
Rigorous Continuous Evolution of Uncertain Systems
Uncertainty is unavoidable in modeling dynamical systems and it may be represented mathematically by differential inclusions. In the past, we proposed an algorithm to compute validated solutions of differential inclusions; here we provide several theoretical improvements to the algorithm, including its extension to piecewise constant and sinusoidal approximations of uncertain inputs, updates on the affine approximation bounds and a generalized formula for the analytical error. In addition, we implemented the methodology in Ariadne, a library for the verification of continuous and hybrid systems. Then we evaluated ten systems with varying degrees of nonlinearity, number of variables and uncertain inputs. The results are hereby compared with two state-of-the-art approaches to time-varying uncertainties in nonlinear systems.
Luca Geretti, Sanja Živanović Gonzalez, Pieter Collins, Davide Bresolin, Tiziano Villa
Stochastic Local Search for Solving Floating-Point Constraints
We present OL1V3R, a solver for the SMT floating-point theory that is based on stochastic local search (SLS). We adapt for OL1V3R the key ingredients of related work on leveraging SLS to solve the SMT fixed-sized bit-vector theory, and confirm its effectiveness by comparing it with mature solvers. Finally, we discuss the limitations of OL1V3R and propose solutions to make it more powerful.
Shaobo He, Marek Baranowski, Zvonimir Rakamarić
Evaluating Branching Heuristics in Interval Constraint Propagation for Satisfiability
Interval Constraint Propagation (ICP) is a powerful method for solving general nonlinear constraints over real numbers. ICP uses interval arithmetic to prune the space of potential solutions and, when the constraint propagation fails, divides the space into smaller regions and continues recursively. The original goal is to find paving boxes of all solutions to a problem. Already when the whole domain needs to be considered, branching methods do matter much. However, recent applications of ICP in decision procedures over the reals need only a single solution. Consequently, variable ordering in branching operations becomes even more important.
In this work, we compare three different branching heuristics for ICP. The first method, most commonly used, splits the problem in the dimension with the largest lower and upper bound. The two other types of branching methods try to exploit an integration of analytical/numerical properties of real functions and search-based methods. The second method, called smearing, uses gradient information of constraints to choose variables that have the highest local impact on pruning. The third method, lookahead branching, designs a measure function to compare the effect of all variables on pruning operations in the next several steps.
We evaluate the performance of our methods on over 11,000 benchmarks from various sources. While the different branching methods exhibit significant differences on larger instance, none is consistently better. This shows the need for further research on branching heuristics when ICP is used to find an unique solution rather than all solutions.
Calvin Huang, Soonho Kong, Sicun Gao, Damien Zufferey
Approximate Probabilistic Relations for Compositional Abstractions of Stochastic Systems
In this paper, we propose a compositional approach for constructing abstractions of general Markov decision processes (gMDPs) using approximate probabilistic relations. The abstraction framework is based on the notion of \(\delta \)-lifted relations, using which one can quantify the distance in probability between the interconnected gMDPs and that of their abstractions. This new approximate relation unifies compositionality results in the literature by allowing abstract models to have either finite or infinite state spaces. To this end, we first propose our compositionality results using the new approximate probabilistic relation which is based on lifting. We then focus on a class of stochastic nonlinear dynamical systems and construct their abstractions using both model order reduction and space discretization in a unified framework. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed results by considering a network of four nonlinear dynamical subsystems (together 12 dimensions) and constructing finite abstractions from their reduced-order versions (together 4 dimensions) in a unified compositional framework.
Abolfazl Lavaei, Sadegh Soudjani, Majid Zamani
Polytopic Trees for Verification of Learning-Based Controllers
Reinforcement learning is increasingly used to synthesize controllers for a broad range of applications. However, formal guarantees on the behavior of learning-based controllers are elusive due to the blackbox nature of machine learning models such as neural networks. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for verifying learning-based controllers—in particular, deep neural networks with ReLU activations, and decision trees with linear decisions and leaf values—for deterministic, piecewise affine (PWA) dynamical systems. In this setting, our algorithm computes the safe (resp., unsafe) region of the state space—i.e., the region of the state space on which the learned controller is guaranteed to satisfy (resp., fail to satisfy) a given reach-avoid specification. Knowing the safe and unsafe regions is substantially more informative than the boolean characterization of safety (i.e., safe or unsafe) provided by standard verification algorithms—for example, this knowledge can be used to compose controllers that are safe on different portions of the state space. At a high level, our algorithm uses convex programming to iteratively compute new regions (in the form of polytopes) that are guaranteed to be entirely safe or entirely unsafe. Then, it connects these polytopic regions together in a tree-like fashion. We conclude with an illustrative example on controlling a hybrid model of a contact-based robotics problem.
Sadra Sadraddini, Shen Shen, Osbert Bastani
Mutant Accuracy Testing for Assessing the Implementation of Numerical Algorithms
Despite their widespread use, implementations of numerical computing algorithms are generally tested manually with fuzzily defined thresholds determining success or failure. Modern software testing methods, such as automated regression testing, are difficult to apply because both test oracles and algorithm output are approximate. Based on the observation that high accuracy numerical algorithms appear to be fragile by design to errors in their parameters, we propose to compare the error of target implementations to mutated versions of themselves with the expectation that the mutants will suffer degraded accuracy. We test the idea on Matlab implementations of some basic numerical algorithms, and find that most mutants are worse while the few which are better show a distinctive pattern of mutation.
Ruining (Ray) Wu, Ian M. Mitchell
Numerical Software Verification
Majid Zamani
Damien Zufferey
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