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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

ObliviousDB: Practical and Efficient Searchable Encryption with Controllable Leakage

Authors : Shujie Cui, Muhammad Rizwan Asghar, Steven D. Galbraith, Giovanni Russello

Published in: Foundations and Practice of Security

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Searchable encryption allows users to execute encrypted queries over encrypted databases. Several encryption schemes have been proposed in the literature but they leak sensitive information that could lead to inference attacks. We propose ObliviousDB, a searchable encryption scheme for an outsourced database that limits information leakage. Moreover, our scheme allows users to execute SQL-like queries on encrypted data and efficiently supports multi-user access without requiring key sharing. We have implemented ObliviousDB and show its practical efficiency.

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ObliviousDB: Practical and Efficient Searchable Encryption with Controllable Leakage
Shujie Cui
Muhammad Rizwan Asghar
Steven D. Galbraith
Giovanni Russello
Copyright Year

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