2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter
OME in the Diesel engine – a concept for CO2 neutrality and lowest pollutant emissions
Authors : Markus Münz, Alexander Mokros, Prof. Dr. Christian Beidl
Published in: Internationaler Motorenkongress 2018
Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
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Currently the internal combustion engine is heavily criticized and associated with the poor air quality in a few german metropolitan areas and the progressive climate change, because of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. The engine development is under great pressure to meet the stringent CO2 reduction targets of the Paris Agreement of 2015. The defined goal is almost equivalent to eliminating CO2 emissions in the transport sector.There are a variety of different technologies to reduce pollutant and CO2 emissions. Depending on the particular application, different approaches are conceivable. An open competition of technologies should be sought, to identify the best solution for e.g passenger cars, commercial vehicles or other niche applications. Synthetic, liquid fuels have the advantage that they can be introduced in the market more easily due to the existing infrastructure. In addition, a retroactive, positive effect can be achieved in the existing fleet, if the compatibility of the respective fuel is ensured.