2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter
On a New Theory of the Cosserat Continuum with Applications in Electrodynamics
Author : Elena A. Ivanova
Published in: Recent Approaches in the Theory of Plates and Plate-Like Structures
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
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We consider an elastic Cosserat continuum of a special type. Next we suggest analogies between quantities characterizing the stress–strain state of the continuum and quantities characterizing electrodynamic processes. Taking into account the suggested analogies, we interpret equations describing the continuum as equations of electrodynamics. We identify parameters of our model by comparing the obtained equations with Maxwell’s equations. As a result, in the framework of our model, we obtain a set of differential equations that coincide with Maxwell’s first equation (the one with the displacement current term), the Gauß law for electric field, the charge conservation law, a modification of the Maxwell–Faraday equation and a modification of the Gauß law for magnetic field. We also obtain the Gauß law for gravitational field and introduce the concept of gravitating mass.