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27-04-2024 | Original Paper

On circulant involutory and orthogonal MDS matrices over finite commutative rings

Authors: Shakir Ali, Atif Ahmad Khan, Bhupendra Singh

Published in: Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing

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Let \(k>1\) be a fixed integer. In Gupta and Ray (Cryptography and Communications 7: 257–287, 2015), proved the non existence of \(2^k \times 2^k\) orthogonal circulant MDS matrices and involutory circulant MDS matrices over finite fields of characteristic 2. The main aim of this paper is to prove the non-existence of orthogonal circulant MDS matrices of order \(2^k\times 2^k\) and involutory circulant MDS matrices of order k over finite commutative rings of characteristic 2. Precisely, we prove that any circulant orthogonal matrix of order \(2^k\) over finite commutative rings of characteristic 2 with identity is not a MDS matrix. Moreover, some related results are also discussed. Finally, we provide some examples to prove that the assumed restrictions on our main results are not superfluous.

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On circulant involutory and orthogonal MDS matrices over finite commutative rings
Shakir Ali
Atif Ahmad Khan
Bhupendra Singh
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing
Print ISSN: 0938-1279
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0622

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