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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

On Enhancing the Orchestration of Multi-container Docker Applications

Authors : Antonio Brogi, Claus Pahl, Jacopo Soldani

Published in: Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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After introducing Docker containers in a nutshell, we discuss the benefits that can be obtained by supporting enhanced descriptions of multi-container Docker applications. We illustrate how such applications can be naturally modelled in TOSCA, and how this permits automating their management and reducing the time and cost needed to develop such applications (e.g., by facilitating the reuse of existing solutions, and by permitting to analyse and validate applications at design-time).

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The latter provides a more effective way to build images, as it only involves writing some configuration instructions (like installing software or mounting volumes), instead of having to launch a container and to manually perform and commit changes.
A thorough discussion on this is available at docs.​docker.​com/​compose/​swarm.
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On Enhancing the Orchestration of Multi-container Docker Applications
Antonio Brogi
Claus Pahl
Jacopo Soldani
Copyright Year

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