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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

On Semisimplification of Tensor Categories

Authors : Pavel Etingof, Victor Ostrik

Published in: Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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We develop the theory of semisimplifications of tensor categories defined by Barrett and Westbury. In particular, we compute the semisimplification of the category of representations of a finite group in characteristic p in terms of representations of the normalizer of its Sylow p-subgroup. This allows us to compute the semisimplification of the representation category of the symmetric group Sn+p in characteristic p, where 0 ≤ n ≤ p − 1, and of the Deligne category \( \underline { \mathop {\mathrm {Rep}} \nolimits }^{\mathrm {ab}}S_t\), where t ∈ℕ. We also compute the semisimplification of the category of representations of the Kac-De Concini quantum group of the Borel subalgebra of \(\mathfrak {sl}_2\). We also study tensor functors between Verlinde categories of semisimple algebraic groups arising from the semisimplification construction and objects of finite type in categories of modular representations of finite groups (i.e., objects generating a fusion category in the semisimplification). Finally, we determine the semisimplifications of the tilting categories of GL(n), SL(n), and PGL(n) in characteristic 2. In the appendix, we classify categorifications of the Grothendieck ring of representations of SO(3) and its truncations.

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We refer the reader to [BEEO] where the results of Sect. 8 are generalized to arbitrary characteristic.
Note that this condition is not necessarily satisfied: e.g., if char(k) = p, t ∈k, and \( \underline { \mathop {\mathrm {Rep}} \nolimits }_{\mathbf {k}}(S_t)\) is the Karoubian Deligne category of representations of St [EGNO, Subsection 9.12], then this property holds only if t ∈𝔽p ⊂k; namely, if σ is the cyclic permutation on Xp, where X is the tautological object, then (1 − σ)p = 0 but Tr(1 − σ) = tp − t.
Note that any Karoubian linear category with finite dimensional morphism spaces satisfies the Krull-Schmidt theorem, which says that any object has a unique decomposition into a direct sum of indecomposables (up to a non-unique isomorphism); for this reason, such categories are sometimes called Krull-Schmidt categories.
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On Semisimplification of Tensor Categories
Pavel Etingof
Victor Ostrik
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