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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

On Sustainability of Urban Italian Mobility

Authors : Gabriella Schoier, Giuseppe Borruso, Beatrice Dedemo

Published in: Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2021

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The aim of this paper is to analyze the problem of the sustainability of the urban transport in Italian provinces. After defining what we mean for sustainable mobility we individuate some indicators to obtain a measure of it.
The methodology used in this paper is the Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA). This method is applied to tables in which a set of individuals is described by a set of variables and the variables are organized into groups. We have applied the MFA to the choosen indicators for Italian cities in the year 2019. This method of analysis allows to identify two main dimensions that describe more than 58% of the variability of sustainability of transports in Italian cities.

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These cities have not be considered: Monza e della Brianza, Andria, Barletta, Trani, Sud Sardegna.
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On Sustainability of Urban Italian Mobility
Gabriella Schoier
Giuseppe Borruso
Beatrice Dedemo
Copyright Year

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