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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

On the Driving Behavior of Individuals with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder by Using Driving Simulator

Authors : Ferdinando Totani, Antony Bologna, Margherita Attanasio, Monica Mazza, Marco Valenti, Gino D’Ovidio

Published in: Smart City Innovations: Navigating Urban Transformation with Sustainable Mobility

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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There is a limited number of multidisciplinary studies in the literature exploring the driving behavior of individuals with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Some research has relied on driving simulators to analyse differences in driving performance between individuals with ASD and those with typical development (TD). However, most studies have not considered the reaction to unexpected events (e.g. sudden crossing) and some fundamental cognitive aspects such as understanding the intentions of other individuals and spatial perception abilities. Our preliminary study aims to compare the performance of young adults with ASD and TD in a driver simulator and on tests assessing the abilities to infer the intentions of others and spatial orientation. Three participants with a diagnosis of Level-1 ASD (mean age = 22 years, SD = 4.58) and three participants with TD (mean age = 24 years, SD = 2.00) took part in the study. An urban scenario with low-to-medium traffic intersections, traffic lights, crosswalks, and expected and unexpected pedestrian crosswalks was created. The driving behavior of the participants was analyzed using an appropriate indicators based on the measurement of the kinematic and dynamic parameters of the vehicle (speed acceleration, jerks, force applied on the brake pedal, etc.) as well as the collisions and violations of traffic rules monitored during the simulations. For the unexpected and sudden crosswalks, the ASD group showed differences in reaction times, releasing the accelerator pedal and applying the brake more quickly than the TD group. No differences between the two groups emerged for the adherence to the traffic rules, reaction to expected crosswalks, and performance on cognitive tests. Our preliminary results suggested a different perception, processing, and reaction to an unexpected event in the driving simulation. Given the importance of driving to achieve independence and improve quality of life, future studies should explore more in-depth both physical–mechanical and human-behavioral indicators in ASD individuals.

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On the Driving Behavior of Individuals with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder by Using Driving Simulator
Ferdinando Totani
Antony Bologna
Margherita Attanasio
Monica Mazza
Marco Valenti
Gino D’Ovidio
Copyright Year

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