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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

On the Existence of Unions of Timed Scenarios

Author : Neda Saeedloei

Published in: Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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In earlier work it was shown that, given two consistent timed scenarios, there might not exist a scenario whose semantics is the union of those of the two. A sufficient condition for the non-existence of such a union was also identified. In this paper we report on a comprehensive study of the union operation for scenarios. We identify a new sufficient condition that provides a syntactic criterion for the existence of a scenario that is the union of two given scenarios. We also prove that the condition is necessary.

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The notion of “behaviour” is equivalent to that of Alur’s “timed word” [15].


The aim of optimization which begins with the construction of a stable distance table, is to obtain a minimal set of constraints, i.e., removal of any of these constraints would change the semantics.


There are three other cases, which can be obtained from these by replacing i and j with k and l, and vice versa. The proofs can be obtained by interchanging i and k, as well as j and l.


If \(k=i\), then \(t_{ki } = 0\), hence \(t_{ki} \in I _{k i} = [0,0]\). Similarly, if \(j=l\), then \(t_{jl } = 0\), hence \(t_{jl} \in I _{j l} = [0,0]\).


See the diagrams in Figs. 6 and 7.


 In the definition it is assummed that ij is within \(\xi \) and kl is within \(\eta \). There are three other cases where ij is within \(\eta \) and kl is within \(\xi \). Those cases are symmetric and can be obtained by interchanging \(\xi \) and \(\eta \).

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On the Existence of Unions of Timed Scenarios
Neda Saeedloei
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