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2015 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Online Learning and MOOCs: A Framework Proposal

Authors : Jamie Murphy, Nadzeya Kalbaska, Laurel Horton-Tognazzini, Lorenzo Cantoni

Published in: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Decades of distance learning evolution and innovation, particularly due to the Internet and recently, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), have led to industry and academic confusion about online learning nomenclature. This study takes a preliminary step in reducing the confusion, proposing a conceptual framework for categorising online learning. Drawing on content structure and interactivity, the paper proposes four categories of online learning: resources, tutorials, courses and MOOCs. These four categories serve as a base for illustrating five online learning variables—open versus closed access, cost, interactivity, recognition and assessment—which subsequently help clarify the framework of the four somewhat overlapping categories. The resultant framework gives industry and academia common ground for discussing online learning and for future research such as MOOC types and additional variables to consider, i.e., synchronicity, learning outcomes, openness, and self-direction.

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Online Learning and MOOCs: A Framework Proposal
Jamie Murphy
Nadzeya Kalbaska
Laurel Horton-Tognazzini
Lorenzo Cantoni
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