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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Open Data Availability and Suitability for Financial Analyses

Authors : Gulcan Baskurt, Sébastien-Augustin Martin, Peiman Alipour Sarvari, Djamel Khadraoui

Published in: Industrial Engineering in the Digital Disruption Era

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The purpose of this study is to explore the benefits of Open Data initiatives for the financial sector. The first approach is to take the financial activities, to consider their data needs (in terms of data kinds and characteristics) and consider if they are available, and in a suitable format for these goals. Even though it has been done for some cases and applied to the case of Luxembourg, we are the first and foremost group to suggest and explain a systematic method, based on an Open Data literature review, to assess the dimensions characterizing the availability (not only the data accessibility, but also the conditions around this accessibility) and the suitability of the data (not only their existence but other dimensions of their accessibility, like licenses). Although the accessibility of financial, economic and commercial information is highly dependent on contextual legal and political frameworks, this framework is adaptable enough to be used for different countries, and even beyond the case of financial data. The last part is showcasing the importance of the title of this study for financial data in Luxembourg. This contribution intends to be useful both for people in charge of the Open Data initiatives in the public and private sectors; for practitioners and researchers aiming at reusing these data; and for Open Data researchers.

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Open Data Availability and Suitability for Financial Analyses
Gulcan Baskurt
Sébastien-Augustin Martin
Peiman Alipour Sarvari
Djamel Khadraoui
Copyright Year

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