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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Operator 4.0 and Cognitive Ergonomics

Authors : Mohamad Fallaha, Zeki Murat Cinar, Orhan Korhan, Qasim Zeeshan

Published in: Industrial Engineering in the Digital Disruption Era

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Industry 4.0 requires a paradigm shift from the traditional manufacturing practices and work environment to a dynamic workplace where humans and machines must work together as a human cyber-physical system for increased productivity and flexibility. It necessitates novel interactions between operators and machines, consequently leading to the transformation of a traditional operator to Operator 4.0 or Smart Operator. Improvement in operators and engineers’ cognitive skills is imminent to adapt to Industry 4.0 working environment. Wearable technology, sensors, or virtual reality equipment enhances cognitive capabilities of the Operator 4.0. Thus cognitive skills of the smart operators are required more rather than the physical strength. This paper presents a review of the recent developments in cognitive ergonomics of Smart Operator or Operator 4.0 in the context of Industry 4.0.

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Operator 4.0 and Cognitive Ergonomics
Mohamad Fallaha
Zeki Murat Cinar
Orhan Korhan
Qasim Zeeshan
Copyright Year

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