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21-05-2023 | Original Paper

Optimal effect of energy resources and distributed generations on network flow using an analytical method and structural decomposition

Authors: Mohammad Hasan Nikkhah, Hossein Lotfi, Mahdi Samadi, Mohammad Ebrahim Hajiabadi

Published in: Electrical Engineering | Issue 5/2023

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One of the key concerns in preventing the phenomenon of congestion rent and the development of market power for the network operator is network congestion management. Energy resources (ERs) and distributed generation (DG) devices are a couple of the factors that affect the power flow of network lines. This equipment’s precise contribution to the network lines’ flow fluctuations must be identified. In this study, an analytical method and structural decomposition are used to calculate the precise contribution of ERs and DGs to changes in congestion on network lines. The influence of five factors (marginal, expensive, cheap units, network load, and congested lines) on variations in the power of network lines is precisely computed using the conditions of Kahn-Tucker in the Lagrange method. So that DGs and ERs are counted among these five categories. By calculating the contribution of each piece of equipment, the optimal position and its impact on the line flows under different network load situations (low load, middle load, and peak load) are then determined. The proposed strategy is implemented considering equipment uncertainty on the IEEE 24-bus and 118-bus networks, and the results are examined. The simulation results show that the effect of optimal placement of energy resources reduces the flow of grid lines by 3.03 MW in peak load, 2.96 MW in middle load, and 2.56 MW in low load mode. Using the proposed technique, the network operator may get a comprehensive view of the network’s state from the performance of this equipment’s future viewpoint.

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Optimal effect of energy resources and distributed generations on network flow using an analytical method and structural decomposition
Mohammad Hasan Nikkhah
Hossein Lotfi
Mahdi Samadi
Mohammad Ebrahim Hajiabadi
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Electrical Engineering / Issue 5/2023
Print ISSN: 0948-7921
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0487

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