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Optimal Formation Assessment of Multi-layered Ground Retrofit with Arch-Grid Units Considering Buckling Load Factor

Authors: Quoc Hoan Doan, Dongkyu Lee

Published in: International Journal of Steel Structures | Issue 1/2019

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This study presents an optimal shape generation method of local steel unit plates in arch-grid structures by using buckling load factor. ETABS software is utilized for a computational modeling of arch-grid to consider buckling analysis. According to the present optimal shape generation method, first, some shape types of a horizontal unit cell plate of arch-grid are assumed as initial designs. Second, they are analyzed through ETABS in terms of their buckling capacities. At the same time, appropriate vertical column bar sizes are achieved with respect to maximal stress of steel material and buckling load factor. Third, the generated arch-grid are combined to achieve optimal conditions of width and height of a given arch-grid structure, which shows the best structural feasibility to resist a given building. The arch-grid structure is extended by considering four different cases: a combined grid, an extended grid, a multi-story grid and a pyramid grid to verify the effectiveness of the present optimal shape generation method of steel arch-grid as numerical examples.

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Optimal Formation Assessment of Multi-layered Ground Retrofit with Arch-Grid Units Considering Buckling Load Factor
Quoc Hoan Doan
Dongkyu Lee
Publication date
Korean Society of Steel Construction
Published in
International Journal of Steel Structures / Issue 1/2019
Print ISSN: 1598-2351
Electronic ISSN: 2093-6311

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