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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Optimizing the Vehicle Development Process by Combining Driving Simulators and Virtual Test Driving

Authors : Alexander Frings, David Ewbank

Published in: 12th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2021

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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This paper is intended to provide an example in which ways the vehicle development process can be optimized through the combination of driving simulators and virtual test driving including a virtual prototype. It describes, how these optimizations can lead to increased cost efficiency, reproducible test cases and higher quality.
Driving simulators reduce the leap between hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) and conventional test drives with real prototypes. Driver-in-the-loop (DIL) methods can help to gain important knowledge concerning the system characteristics and the vehicle behavior at a much earlier stage in the development process. A subjective impression of the expected driving experience can thus be experienced early on. DIL can be implemented with the open integration and test platform CarMaker and the driving simulators from VI-grade. This solution can be used in all classes of driving simulators.
On the path to SAE automation level 5 and when developing ADAS/AV, the necessary interaction between driver and vehicle increases. Thanks to a full feedback from the simulator, the user is able to evaluate the ADAS functions and their influence on the driver. The simulator allows to test and optimize the behavior of these functions in a safe way, early in the development cycle.
To increase efficiency in the development process, previously configured virtual vehicle prototypes are further used on the driving simulator. The presented solution offers different operation modes that allow to insert components of one or the other partner and to build on strengths according to already existing data or customer requirements.

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Optimizing the Vehicle Development Process by Combining Driving Simulators and Virtual Test Driving
Alexander Frings
David Ewbank
Copyright Year
Springer Berlin Heidelberg