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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Option Pricing and Valuation of Contingent Cash Flow

Author : Zhiqiang Zhang

Published in: Fundamental Problems and Solutions in Finance

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This chapter introduces the concept of option, the principle and method for option valuation or option pricing. Generally, discounting and option pricing are the two complementary rather than competing valuation tools. Discounting is suitable to value future cash flows which are volatile but certain in existence; while option pricing is suitable to value future cash flows which are contingent and uncertain in existence. Further, option as a financial instrument can divided risk from return or isolate risk absolutely. This implies that option pricing is the most powerful tool to consider or evaluate risk. In 1997, the Nobel Prize in economics was awarded to the contributors in option pricing achievements, Scholes and Merton, and affirmed the huge application potential of option pricing. Unfortunately, financial research has not fully tapped this potential after that, which is part of the reason for many fundamental and related financial problems remained unsolved so far. Of course, this chapter introduces the option pricing theory and method, especially the Black–Scholes model, classifies real options in investment, financing and operation, and further reclassifies the valuation methods. All those pave the way for the subsequent chapters to apply the option pricing method to solve the relevant financial problems.

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The put-call parity reveals the relationship between a call option and a put option in terms of value. As its modern version states, c + Xe−rT = S + p, where, c and p represent a call option and a put option with the same expiration date T and the same exercise price X; S is the value or price of the underlying asset. The call and put with prices satisfying the put-call parity preclude arbitrage opportunities.
A type of subordinated debt, junior debt has a lower priority for repayment than other debt claims in the case of default.
Junk bonds are mainly issued by some small companies to raise funds for business expansion. Due to the unstable business, their credit rating is often below investment grade. Generally, junk bonds are high-risk bonds that offers a high yield.
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Option Pricing and Valuation of Contingent Cash Flow
Zhiqiang Zhang
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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