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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Overall and Local Thermal Comfort of Stratum Ventilation with Various Temperatures and Supply Air Flowrates

Authors : Yong Cheng, Zhang Lin, Alan M. L. Fong

Published in: Stratum Ventilation—Advanced Air Distribution for Low-Carbon and Healthy Buildings

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Ensuring an appropriate thermal comfort level is crucial in elevated room temperature environments. This chapter presents a subjective analysis of thermal comfort in a controlled environmental chamber utilizing stratum ventilation. Overall thermal sensation (OTS), local thermal sensation (LTS), overall thermal comfort (OTC), and draft thermal comfort indexes are quantified. Results of Test Series 1 indicate that room temperature has a significant effect on the four indexes mentioned above. Specifically, a ventilation rate of 10 air changes per hour (ACH) and room temperature of 27 °C provide a neutral overall thermal sensation, satisfactory overall thermal comfort, and low draft risk. However, at room temperatures of 24 °C and 29 °C, the percentage of subjects reporting comfort is below 80%. The effects of supply airflow rate and supply air temperature on thermal comfort (Test Series 2) show that increasing the supply airflow rate from 7 to 17 ACH at room temperature of 27 °C has a negligible impact on thermal sensation and draft, indicating a preference for enhanced air movement. However, to minimize complaints related to the draft, it is essential to avoid supply air temperatures below 20 °C. These findings emphasize that stratum ventilation creates a thermally comfortable environment.

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Overall and Local Thermal Comfort of Stratum Ventilation with Various Temperatures and Supply Air Flowrates
Yong Cheng
Zhang Lin
Alan M. L. Fong
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore