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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Overview of PAN 2021: Authorship Verification, Profiling Hate Speech Spreaders on Twitter, and Style Change Detection

Extended Abstract

Authors : Janek Bevendorff, BERTa Chulvi, Gretel Liz De La Peña Sarracén, Mike Kestemont, Enrique Manjavacas, Ilia Markov, Maximilian Mayerl, Martin Potthast, Francisco Rangel, Paolo Rosso, Efstathios Stamatatos, Benno Stein, Matti Wiegmann, Magdalena Wolska, Eva Zangerle

Published in: Advances in Information Retrieval

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The paper gives a brief overview of the three shared tasks to be organized at the PAN 2021 lab on digital text forensics and stylometry hosted at the CLEF conference. The tasks include authorship verification across domains, author profiling for hate speech spreaders, and style change detection for multi-author documents. In part the tasks are new and in part they continue and advance past shared tasks, with the overall goal of advancing the state of the art, providing for an objective evaluation on newly developed benchmark datasets.

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To generate the datasets, we have followed a methodology that complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation [12].
In a realistic scenario, we would need to know a priori the distribution of haters vs non-haters: this information is unknown and impossible to calculate manually; one of the aims of this shared task is to foster research on profiling haters in order to address this problem automatically.
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Overview of PAN 2021: Authorship Verification, Profiling Hate Speech Spreaders on Twitter, and Style Change Detection
Janek Bevendorff
BERTa Chulvi
Gretel Liz De La Peña Sarracén
Mike Kestemont
Enrique Manjavacas
Ilia Markov
Maximilian Mayerl
Martin Potthast
Francisco Rangel
Paolo Rosso
Efstathios Stamatatos
Benno Stein
Matti Wiegmann
Magdalena Wolska
Eva Zangerle
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