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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

1. Overview of Technology Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development

Authors : Pradeep Ray, Rajib Shaw

Published in: Technology Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Social innovation and entrepreneurship address social disparity and basic human needs in many countries. While on the one hand there has been tremendous progress in new technologies and social media over the past several years, the application of these technologies for social innovation is still a challenge. There is immense scope for making progress in entrepreneurship for promoting sustainable development, addressing basic issues like water, education, health, as well as disaster risks and climate change issues. This book provides an overview of how technology entrepreneurship has been evolving in different sectors, such as education, health, environment, and disaster management. Hence the book has been organized into two sections. Education and well-being section has eight chapters, and climate change, environment, and disaster management section also has eight chapters. Although each case has its unique approach, stakeholders, and processes, there are some commonalities observed across the different chapters as follows: (1) co-designing solution is the core of social innovation; (2) social business provides new job opportunities to youth; (3) there is a need for innovation ecosystem; (4) disaster risks need enhanced innovation; and (5) climate change and complex risk landscape.

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go back to reference Duening T, Hisrich R, Lechter M. (2014) Technology entrepreneurship, 2nd edn. Academic Press; eBook ISBN: 9780124202344, Paperback ISBN: 9780124201750 Duening T, Hisrich R, Lechter M. (2014) Technology entrepreneurship, 2nd edn. Academic Press; eBook ISBN: 9780124202344, Paperback ISBN: 9780124201750
go back to reference Yunus M (2018) A world of three zeros: the new economics of zero poverty, zero unemployment, and zero net carbon emissions, paperback. ISBN13: 978-1541742390 Yunus M (2018) A world of three zeros: the new economics of zero poverty, zero unemployment, and zero net carbon emissions, paperback. ISBN13: 978-1541742390
Overview of Technology Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development
Pradeep Ray
Rajib Shaw
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore