1 Introduction
Studies have shown that small and medium-sized enterprises, hereafter firms, are critical to economic growth in many countries (e.g., Niskanen and Niskanen
2006; Krivogorsky
2011). However, these firms rely greatly on bank loans to finance their activities. Even when they do not, bank loans constitute a signal of value to outside investors, and a critical substitute for market and trade debt. We add to the literature by examining the effect of owner guarantees on the spreads in bank lending by building on other studies on the relationship between business collateral and loan spreads (Berger et al.
2016). We examine the extent to which the pre-lending information theory or the post-lending incentive theory, or both, can explain the relation between owner guarantees and spreads.
As is well-known, bank lending to firms is hampered by serious information (adverse selection) and incentive (moral hazard) problems. These problems make not only selecting safe firms prior to lending difficult (Bester
1987) but also make reducing losses after lending difficult (Boot and Thakor
1994; Boot et al.
1991; Holmström and Tirole
1997). Mechanisms that reduce these information and incentive problems can translate into lower risks for banks and lower costs of borrowing for firms. It is also well-known that reducing information and incentive problems can facilitate the extension of business cycles through positive procyclical lending and smoothen the functioning of financial systems.
Banks and firms most often mitigate these information and incentive problems in loan contracting by using business collateral, hereafter collateral.
1 The studies based on small firms that focus on the influence of collateral show mixed effects on lending rates pointing to a co-existence of both the pre-lending information theory and the post-lending incentive theory (Berger et al.
2016). While these studies find that the post-lending incentive theory predominates through the role of collateral in reducing losses, the relation between the collateral-risk (Ono and Uesugi
2009) and collateral-loan rates (Berger et al.
2016; Cerqueiro et al.
2016) depends on the nature of collateral.
The role of owner guarantees in mitigating information and incentive problems has received far less attention than collateral in the literature. Notable exceptions are the studies conducted by Brick and Palia (
2007) in the US, Calcagnini et al. (
2014) and Pozzolo (
2004) in Italy, Hernández‐Cánovas and Martínez‐Solano (
2006) in Spain, and Peltoniemi and Vieru (
2013) in Finland. These studies make significant inroads in understanding the role of owner guarantees in the financing of small firms but generate mixed findings. These studies also do not test the information and incentive theories directly.
We extend these studies by examining the role of owner guarantees in determining lending spreads within the scopes of the pre-lending information and post-lending incentive theories. In this paper, we use loan contract data provided by a large European bank during the global financial crisis (hereafter, crisis) that cannot otherwise be accessed through publicly available sources. We also control for both observed credit scores and unobserved defaults.
Our focus on owner guarantees is of relevance in the context of our firms as these rely heavily on intangible assets that cannot be used as collateral to back their business loans which often leads to credit rationing (Jaffee and Russell
1976; Stiglitz and Weiss
1981) and lemons-type discouragement (Akerlof
1970) by banks. Small firms are often managed by owners (Bolton Bolton Committee
1971) and hence the creditworthiness of owner-managers has far greater influence on lending terms (Avery et al.
Owners often offer guarantees in the form of blanket liens that are a simpler way to contract than business collateral (Voordeckers and Steijvers
2006). They just require a written contract between banks and borrowing firms, but their implications can be far-reaching (Bhimani et al.
2014). With business collateral, firms assume liability up to the value of the assets they offer as security, thereby mitigating the risk for owners while retaining the potential for gains. With guarantees in place, owners bear liability that extends beyond their business assets, thereby retaining exposure to both downside risk and upside potential. This liability can translate into being summoned to plow in additional equity in case of distress (default or bankruptcy).
Within the scopes of the pre-lending information and post-lending incentive theories, the relation between owner guarantees and lending spreads is mediated by firm risk. The pre-lending information theory advocates that owners of safer firms are likely to voluntarily pledge guarantees to signal the creditworthiness of their firms in exchange for a reduction in their spreads (Bester
1987; Besanko and Thakor
1987a). In this case, the relation between owner guarantees and low risk (observed in the form of credit scores and unobserved in the form of defaults) will be negative both independently and interactively. The post-lending incentive theory advocates that owners of risky firms are more likely to be forced by banks to pledge guarantees and pay higher spreads to mitigate moral hazard incentives (Boot and Thakor
1994; Holmström and Tirole
1997). In this case, the relation between owner guarantees and high risk (observed in the form of credit scores and unobserved in the form of defaults) will be positive both independently and interactively. These theories are not necessarily mutually exclusive, thus either or both can exist with one or the other predominating (Berger et al.
We relate
Owner Guarantees, pre-lending
Credit scores, post-lending
Default2 and their interactions, to
Bank Lending Spreads while controlling for loan terms, bank-firm relationships, and bank features. We also control for time, location, and industry fixed effects. We test our model of lending spreads with sequential estimations using ordinary least squares (OLS) with a clustering correction by the industry in which firms operate. Overall, our findings are based on three different measures of owner guarantees (binary indicator, coverage, and bargaining power) and indicate the pre-lending information theory strongly predominates the post-lending incentive theory. Our findings on these theories mimic the previous findings on business collateral (Berger et al.
2016) but the predominance of the pre-lending information theory is at odds with those findings. These findings point to the stronger role of owner guarantees in alleviating information problems and consequently adverse selection. Thus, they complement the previous findings on the stronger role of business collateral in alleviating incentive problems and consequent loan losses. Further, they shed light into the sparse and mixed evidence on the relation between owner guarantees and bank lending rates.
Our paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we establish the theoretical background and define the research hypotheses. In Section 3, we describe the data used for loans negotiated over the counter, and we outline the method. Section 4 presents our main findings and robustness checks. In Section 5, we discuss the results and outline the limitations of the study. In Section 6, we conclude by summarizing the results and outlining the managerial, policy, and academic implications.
2 Literature Review and Hypotheses
2.1 Theoretical Approaches
Bank loans constitute a critical source of financing for small firms. Still, many fail to access loans at acceptable rates due to information and incentive problems. Banks face information asymmetries that prevent them from gauging the creditworthiness of firms. In particular, they have trouble in developing their risk profiles (Bester
1987) and ascertaining the feasibility of their ventures before lending. These constraints limit their conduct after lending (Bhattacharya and Thakor
1993). Small firms find it difficult to prove the value of their ventures to banks, who in turn find it costly to screen and monitor them.
Banks incorporate implicit (collateral) and explicit (spreads) components in the determination of lending contracts for their clients to mitigate both adverse selection and moral hazard (Coco
2000). The extensive debate around the topic (Chan and Kanatas
1985) points to the value of collateral as an informative signal (pre-lending information theory) and as an incentive device (post-lending incentive theory) with the possibility of both prevailing as substitutes or as complements to the rates charged by banks.
In the pre-lending information theory, asymmetries may require firms to trade collateral for lower rates (Bester
1987) given their belief that the value of collateral is better assessed compared to venture feasibility (Chan and Kanatas
1985). The willingness to offer collateral can be interpreted as a positive and trustworthy signal of their quality and effort by banks that are imperfectly informed. The signaling effect attributed to collateral therefore implies that secured loans are less risky (Bester
1987; Besanko and Thakor
1987b; Boot et al.
1991; Chan and Thakor
1987) which promotes self-selection in a manner that reduces adverse selection. For firms, signaling prevents the undervaluation of ventures and increases profitability. For banks, signaling reduces screening costs and increases the value of their portfolios. Accordingly, collateral should reduce lending spreads.
In the post-lending incentive theory, collateral and lending rates mitigate incentive problems (Boot and Thakor
1994; Boot et al.
1991). In this setting, banks are able to produce information on the creditworthiness of firms that intend to borrow from them (Berger and Udell
1990); so, an increase in lending spreads does not preclude adverse selections of firms, and collateral serves more as mitigating losses rather than as a screening device (Inderst and Mueller
2007). In the presence of moral hazard, banks may force firms to pledge collateral to impose high costs of distress if they fail to repay their loans (Boot and Thakor
While this enforcement mechanism aims to ensure firm compliance (Swary and Udell
1988), the value of the collateral may fluctuate over time and differ for lenders and borrowers (Barro
1976). Moreover, firms may have different post-lending risk preferences (Coco
1999) and still withhold information about their ventures (Holmström and Tirole
1997) as they may engage in riskier projects after lending (Stiglitz and Weiss
1992). Therefore, collateral may alleviate but not replace the monitoring and repossession efforts by banks. That is, banks that offer loans secured with collateral may incur monitoring and repossession costs related to collateral after defaults. In competitive markets, banks offset the monitoring and repossession costs by increasing their rates (Barro
1976; Petersen and Rajan
1995). Consequently, under the post-lending theory, collateral should result in higher spreads.
2.2 Empirical Evidence
Most empirical studies are based on the concept of collateral as assets possessed by firms to secure loans, and they provide conflicting results on the relation between collateral and loan rates. While some of these studies show negative relations between collateral and loan rates (Booth and Booth
2006; Cerqueiro et al.
2016; Degryse and Van Cayseele
2000; Lehmann and Neuberger
2001; pre-lending theory), a larger body of research shows an overall positive relation between collateral and loan rates (Berger and Udell
1990; Berger et al.
2011a; Blackwell and Winters
1997; Godlewski and Weill
2011; Ivashina
2009; Machauer and Weber
1998; post-lending theory). These mixed findings are grounded on the varying natures of business collateral, in particular, their quality (Cerqueiro et al.
2016), liquidity (Berger et al.
2016), and asymmetric information (Godlewski and Weill
2011). The dual role of collateral (signaling and incentive) may thus not necessarily be mutually exclusive. The information and incentive theories may both coexist. Indeed, the evidence indicates the coexistence of both with the post-lending theory showing stronger statistical and economic significance for certain types of business collateral (Berger et al.
Owner guarantees have received less attention in the literature on collateralization. Owner guarantees can provide distinctive information and incentives compared to business collateral (Ono and Uesugi
2009). Business collateral ties the liability of the firm to the amount of collateral pledged. Owner guarantees expose their underwriters to unlimited liability given that they tie repayment to the current health and future earnings of the owner (Ang et al.
1995). This unlimited liability feature of guarantees is unique and can increase the quality and liquidity of collateralization for banks. That is, while business collateral holds greater value for owners than for banks due to limited liability (Chen
2006), owner guarantees may hold stronger value for banks than for owners given their distinct implications for mitigating information and incentive problems. This distinction introduces a nuanced perspective on the signaling and incentive values of owner guarantees to collateralization due to their superior costs for owners and superior benefits for banks (Mann
Although some studies have delved into the factors influencing the use of owner guarantees to secure business loans for small firms (e.g., Hernández‐Cánovas and Martínez‐Solano,
2006) and how they differ from business collateral (Ono and Uesugi
2009; Ortiz-Molina and Penas
2008; Voordeckers and Steijvers
2006), the empirical research on the relationship between owner guarantees and loan rates is sparse and is mixed. On the one hand, Calcagnini et al. (
2014) and Hernández-Cánovas and Martínez‐Solano (
2006) find no systematic effects on loan rates; Brick and Palia (
2007) and Peltoniemi and Vieru (
2013) find a positive relation between owner guarantees and loan rates. On the other hand, Pozzolo (
2004) finds that an increase in owner guarantees leads to lower lending rates, and an increase in risk leads to higher rates. These findings reinforce the potential role of owner guarantees as a device of information and incentives.
We add to this literature by testing the pre- and post-lending theories in the context of the collateralization of the loans of small firms with guarantees provided by their owners. For this purpose, we draw on unique over-the-counter loan contracts to construct multiple measures of owner guarantees that encompass a binary indicator of whether owners provide guarantees or not, guarantees coverage and bargaining power of owners, and multiple measures of risk that encompass observed or pre-lending Credit Scores and unobserved or post-lending Default. We also construct measures of loan terms (size and maturity), bank-firm relationships (main bank, overdraft facility, and branch proximity), and bank features (capital and liquidity) to control the analyses of the influence of owner guarantees on lending spreads, and the combined influences of owner guarantees and (observed and unobserved) risks on lending spreads.
2.3 Research Hypotheses
The signaling theory indicates that owners of riskier firms cannot afford to imitate owners of safer firms due to the threat of losing their assets; hence, collateral acts as an informative signal. Compared to business collateral, an owner guarantee transmits a stronger signal from owners to banks about their confidence in the profitability of their ventures because their risk of loss is higher. Owner guarantees also signal that firms are willing to put extra effort and prudence into their ventures. This strong signaling of quality and commitment that the owner guarantees provide should mitigate adverse selection (Pozzolo
2004). Hence a negative relation between owner guarantees and bank lending spreads
. Concurrently, owner guarantees also offer protection to banks against imprudence and laziness by limiting their downside risks which is achieved by forcing owners to plow additional equity into the firm in case of distress (Bhimani et al.
2014). The unlimited liability feature of owner guarantees can impose a disciplinary effect on the post-lending conduct of firms (Mann
1997; Brick and Palia
2007; Peltoniemi and Vieru
2013) and consequently reduce their misconduct. Hence, there is a positive relation between owner guarantees and bank lending. We test the following hypotheses:
H1a (pre-lending information theory): There is a negative effect of owner guarantees on bank lending spreads.
H1b (post-lending incentive theory): There is a positive effect of owner guarantees on bank lending spreads.
Disentangling the aggregated effect of owner guarantees and risk on lending spreads poses a complex challenge. Banks can collect information on firm risk even if the observed information is imperfect. The observed risk produced by banks includes information on the verifiable characteristics of firms, such as financial information from public credit bureaus (Nakamura and Roszbach
2018). Banks draw on financial information on firms to produce credit scores that reflect their likelihood of loan repayment that is verifiable ex ante (Aghion and Tirole
1997). This lending technology improves the information produced by banks (Berger et al.
2005; Berger et al.
2011b) and loan availability (Berger and Frame
2007). Based on their prior creditworthiness assessed through credit scores, banks can offer riskier (safer) firms high (low) lending spreads (Ivashina
2009). Under asymmetric information, however, the observed risk may be imperfectly assessed, so adverse selection and perverse incentives may persist. Credit scores in the case of small firms can be highly asymmetric. Compared to large firms, information on small firms and their owners and managers is often sparse and therefore very costly for banks to collect (Ang
1991). Owner guarantees can mitigate these problems and moderate the relationship between firm risk and bank lending spreads.
Low-risk firms can use collateralization as a signal, and thus, they can trade owner guarantees for a reduction in lending spreads. This signaling mechanism certifies accumulated (imperfect) information possessed by banks and translates into their credit scores to mitigate adverse selection (Pozzolo
2004). Therefore, a negative effect of owner guarantees on lending spreads for riskier firms can be expected. High-risk firms are less likely to use voluntary collateralization. Banks are often motivated to demand collateralization from riskier firms to mitigate potential losses from future distress (Berger and Udell
1990; Jiménez and Saurina
2004; Leeth and Scott
1989; Orgler
1970). In these situations, the moral hazard model (Boot and Thakor
1994; Boot et al.
1991; Holmström and Tirole
1997) predicts that owner guarantees may be used to ameliorate perverse incentives, particularly from firms inclined to pursue riskier ventures (Berger et al.
2011b; Ivashina
3 Therefore, a positive effect of owner guarantees on lending spreads for riskier firms can be expected. Altogether, these arguments indicate that both the pre-lending information and post-lending incentive theories can explain the determination of bank lending spreads. We test the following hypotheses:
H2a (pre-lending information theory): There is a negative association between the aggregated effect of owner guarantees with observed low risk and bank lending spreads.
H2b (post-lending incentive theory): There is a positive association between the aggregated effect of owner guarantees with observed high risk and bank lending spreads.
We establish a distinction between observed risks (H2a, H2b) and unobserved risks (H3a, H3b). As mentioned, observed risk encompasses (imperfect) information before lending. The unobserved risk, namely expected default, is verified only after lending, which may reflect post-lending incentive problems (Jiménez et al.
2006). This setting is crucial for understanding the role of owner guarantees in the determination of lending spreads. Firms formulate expectations about the success of their ventures; then, based on these expectations, firms and banks negotiate loan terms. In this setting, on the one hand, firms that possess positive private information about their standing and prospects (firms that believe they are not likely to default during the loan) are more likely to voluntarily offer owner guarantees to secure their loans in exchange for a reduction in spreads. In this setting, banks can attribute a signaling role to owner guarantees regardless of whether the future positive prospects of the firms are, or not, confirmed.
4 At the other end of the spectrum, firms that possess negative private information about their standing and prospects are less likely to voluntarily offer owner guarantees. In these situations, banks are more likely to demand owner guarantees to mitigate their losses in case of default. If unobserved risky firms are forced to offer a guarantee to mitigate perverse incentives, we can expect a positive association with bank lending spreads. The interaction of owner guarantees with post-lending default, therefore, should indicate the role of owner guarantees in reducing information and/or incentive gaps. We test the following hypotheses:
H3a: (pre-lending information theory): There is a negative association between owner guarantees and bank lending spreads despite post-lending default.
H3b: (post-lending incentive theory): There is a positive association between the owner guarantees and bank lending spreads for firms that enter into default post-lending.
4 Findings
4.1 Baseline: Owner Guarantees
We report the findings in Table
4. Column I presents the findings from the baseline specification with only
Owner Guarantees. We augment this specification by adding measures of pre-lending and post-lending risk to Column II; loan, relationship, and bank characteristics to Column III; and the moderating effects of guarantees on risk to Column IV.
In Columns I-III, the negative coefficients for
Owner Guarantees show that the bank charged 40.5 to 56.1 bps lower spreads to firms whose owners provided their guarantees. This finding aligns with H1a but not H1b. Columns II and III show that
High Credit Score (
Low Credit Score) is negatively (positively) related to
Bank Lending Spreads. The estimations show that the bank charged 16.2 to 23.0 bps (23.6 to 32.3 bps) less (more) in spreads to safer (riskier) firms than those firms with
Intermediate Credit Score (our base outcome). In Column IV.1.,
Owner Guarantees,
High Credit Score, and
Owner Guarantees x
High Credit Score are negatively related to bank lending spreads. Among firms with a
High Credit Score, the bank reduced spreads by 16.1 bps to firms that did not provide owner guarantees, and by 83.8 bps to those firms providing owner guarantees (
βowner guarantee = −0.470 +
βhigh credit score = −0.161 +
βowner guarantees x high credit score = −0.207).
11 This evidence aligns with H2a. The results reported in Column IV.2 show a negative coefficient for
Owner Guarantees, a statistically nonsignificant coefficient for
Low Credit Score, and a positive coefficient for the interaction
Owner Guarantees x Low Credit Score. While firms with a
Low Credit Score that did not provide owner guarantees do not pay lending spreads different than those paid by average firms (
βlow credit score,
p value>0.1), the bank increased spreads by 1.6 bps for firms with
Low Credit Score that secured loans with
Guarantees (
βowner guarantee = −0.634 +
βlow credit score = 0.000 +
βowner guarantees x low credit score = 0.650). This evidence aligns with H2b. Hence, even though the overall association of guarantees on lending spreads is negative (Columns I-III), this association turns out to be positive in the case of riskier firms that expose the bank to higher incentive problems. Banks charge high lending spreads to observed riskier firms to mitigate incentive problems. These effects are also evident when we compare the negative coefficient of
Owner Guarantees for firms with
High or
Intermediate Credit Score (
βowner guarantee=-0.634) and the positive combined coefficient of
Owner Guarantees and
Low Credit Score (
βowner guarantee = −0.634 +
βlow credit score = 0.000 +
βowner guarantees x low credit score = 0.650= + 0.016). Still, the economic impact of the moderating effect of observed
Credit Score and
Owner Guarantees on
Bank Lending Spreads is higher in the case of low-risk firms (reduction of 83.8 bps compared with an increase of 1.6 bps).
Default is positively related to Bank Lending Spreads (Columns II.2-III.3); the bank charged 18 bps to 24 bps higher spreads to firms that entered nonrepayment after obtaining the loan. Of particular interest for hypothesis H3 is the moderating effect of Owner Guarantees on the relation between Default and Bank Lending Spreads. The results reported in Column IV.3 show a negative coefficient for Owner Guarantees and positive coefficients for Default and the interaction Owner Guarantees x Low Credit Score. The magnitude of the combined coefficients shows that the presence of owner guarantees leads the bank to reduce lending spreads by 68.3 basis points (bps) for firms that did not default subsequently. In contrast, the bank reduced the spreads by 11.8 bps for firms that did default subsequently (βowner guarantee = −0.683 + βdefault = 0.105 + βowner guarantees x default = 0.460). In absence of owner guarantees, the bank increased spreads by an additional 10.5 bps. These results point to a strong negative relation between owner guarantees and lending spreads. They indicate that owner guarantees reduce lending spreads even for firms that defaulted after lending, which is not observable at that time. These findings align with H3a.
Summing up, all else being equal, the results show that Owner Guarantees decrease bank lending spreads by 40.5 to 56.1 bps, as reported in Columns I to III. The interplay between Owner Guarantees and Default demonstrates that the influence of Owner Guarantees on diminishing Bank Lending Spreads supersedes the base positive relation with default events, changing the effect from an increase of 10.5 bps (charged for those without owner guarantees) to a decrease of 11.8 bps (obtained from the combined effects), as detailed in Column IV.3. The interaction effects shown in Column IV.1 also demonstrate that Owner Guarantees reduce spreads for firms with high Pre-lending Credit Scores from a baseline decrease of 16.1 bps (βdefault) to a significant decrease of 83.8 bps (βonwer guarantee + βdefault + βonwer guarantee x default). The dual effect of Owner Guarantees and risks (observed and unobserved) on Bank Lending Spreads reflect both negative and positive aspects and indicate that their relations are explained by both the information and incentive theories. However, the overriding negative influence of the combination of owner guarantees with high Pre-lending Credit Scores and Default on Bank Lending Spreads indicates the predominance of the information theory. That is, owners that pledge their guarantees are perceived as providing a substantive signal of their creditworthiness and confidence in their ventures.
With regard to loan contract terms, the results show that loan
Size (ln(
Size)) reduces
Bank Lending Spreads, while loan
Maturity does not have a significant effect on lending spreads. The availability of more information in the case of larger loans reduces asymmetries (Nakamura and Roszbach
2018) and facilitates screening and monitoring that consequently reduce bank lending spreads. Relationship-based lending can also confer advantages to both banks and firms by reducing asymmetries and facilitating contracting. Yet, the research offers inconclusive evidence regarding the benefits of strong bank-firm relationships (Kysucky and Norden
2016). Our findings also show mixed evidence. The
Main Bank and the
Overdraft Facility are positively and significantly related to
Bank Lending Spreads. These findings can be justified by the traditional holdup problem (Sharpe
1990) that is repeatedly observed in the literature (Gabbi et al.
2020), whereby banks exploit the monopoly of producing information on firms with whom they have privileged relationships to charge higher spreads.
Branch Proximity, however, shows a negative effect on the spreads, which is in line with the large body of literature that examines the effect of distance on contract terms (Kysucky and Norden
12 When controlling for bank characteristics, our estimations show that
Capital affects lending spreads positively; the need to maintain high capital ratios as prescribed by Basel Capital Accords might explain why banks increase lending spreads. Nevertheless,
Liquidity is negatively associated with lending spreads. This evidence indicates that the bank might have practiced liquidity-induced predatory pricing in its lending.
4.2 Baseline: Predicted Spreads
5 presents the findings on the
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads for our main variables of interest,
Owner Guarantees,
Pre-lending Credit Scores,
Default, and their interactions. Column I shows that the bank charges an average spread of 312.6 bps (below the average of the sample: 331.5 bps) to firms whose owners provided guarantees and 353.1 bps to firms whose owners did not. The difference of −40.5 bps is statistically significant at the 1% level. This evidence is in line with empirical findings reported in Columns I-III of Table
4 and aligns with H1a, that is, the pre-lending information theory.
Table 5
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads based on Owner Guarantees and Pre-lending Credit Score and Post-lending Default. Columns I to IV present the average differences (T-test) in
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads on
Owner Guarantees,
Pre-lending High Credit Scores,
Pre-lending Low Credit Scores, and
Post-lending Default, respectively. Column V displays the average differences in
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads on firms having high credit scores for guaranteed and unguaranteed loans by the owner. Column VI displays the average differences in
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads on firms having low credit scores for guaranteed and unguaranteed loans by the owner. Column VII displays the average differences in
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads on firms that entered into post-lending default on guaranteed and unguaranteed loans by the owner.
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads are those obtained from the baseline ordinary least squares estimations reported in Table
4; Table
5, Columns I to IV are those predicted from estimations displayed in Table
4, Column III; Table
5, Columns V, VI, and VII are those predicted from estimations displayed in Table
4, Columns IV.1, IV.2, and IV.3., respectively. The average of the predicted bank lending spread in the baseline estimations is 3.315 with a standard deviation of 0.502. Table
1 details the definitions and measurements for all variables
| I.1 | I.2 | I.3 | II.1 | II.2 | II.3 |
Observations | 2721 | 2375 | | 2296 | 2800 | |
Average Bank Lending Spread | 3.126 | 3.531 | −0.405*** | 3.129 | 3.467 | −0.338*** |
Standard Deviation | 0.467 | 0.451 | | 0.449 | 0.492 | |
| Column III | Column IV |
| Low Credit Score = 1 | Low Credit Score = 0 | Difference III.1-III.2 (t-test) | Default = 1 | Default = 0 | Difference IV.1-IV.2 (t-test) |
| III.1 | III.2 | III.3 | IV.1 | IV.2 | IV.3 |
Observations | 563 | 4533 | | 1573 | 3745 | |
Average Bank Lending Spread | 3.760 | 3.260 | +0.500*** | 3.479 | 3.256 | +0.223*** |
Standard Deviation | 0.476 | 0.477 | | 0.491 | 0.492 | |
| Column V | Column VI |
| Owner Guarantees = 1 |High Credit Score = 1 | Owner Guarantees = 0 |High Credit Score = 1 | Difference V.1-V.2 (t-test) | Owner Guarantees = 1 |Low Credit Score = 1 | Owner Guarantees = 0 |Low Credit Score = 1 | Difference VI.1-VI.2 (t-test) |
| V.1 | V.2 | V.3 | VI.1 | VI.2 | VI.3 |
Observations | 1212 | 1084 | | 371 | 192 | |
Average Bank Lending Spread | 2.888 | 3.398 | −0.510*** | 3.800 | 3.682 | +0.118*** |
Standard Deviation | 0.412 | 0.391 | | 0.424 | 0.420 | |
| Column VII | | |
| Owner Guarantees = 1 |Default = 1 | Owner Guarantees = 0 |Default = 1 | Difference VI.I1-VII.3 (t-test) | | | |
| VII.1 | VII.2 | VII.3 | | | |
Observations | 646 | 705 | | | | |
Average Bank Lending Spread | 3.400 | 3.551 | −0.151*** | | | |
Standard Deviation | 0.455 | 0.410 | | | | |
In Column II, the bank charged an average spread of 312.9 bps to
High Credit Score firms and 346.7 bps to
Intermediate and
Low Credit Score firms. The difference of −33.8 bps is also statistically significant at the 1% level. In Column III, the bank charged an average spread of 376 bps to
Low Credit Score firms and 326 bps to
Intermediate and
High Credit Score firms. The difference of +50 bps is statistically significant at the 1% level. In Column IV, the bank charges an average spread of 347.9 bps to firms that enter
Default and 325.6 bps to firms that did not do so. The difference of +22.3 bps is statistically significant at the 1% level. The evidence on the predicted spreads by observed and unobserved risk profiles are consistent with the estimations reported in Column II of Table
The predicted values reported in Columns V-VII are of main relevance. In Column V, the bank charged an average spread of 288.8 bps to High Credit Score firms whose owners provided guarantees and 339.8 bps to High Credit Score firms whose owners did not provide guarantees. The difference of −51.0 bps is statistically significant at the 1% level and aligns with hypothesis H2a (pre-lending information theory). In Column VI, the bank charges an average spread of 380.0 bps to Low Credit Score firms whose owners provided guarantees and 369.2 bps to firms whose owners did not provide guarantees. The difference of +11.8 bps is also statistically significant at the 1% level and aligns with H2b (post-lending incentive theory). In Column VII, the bank charges an average spread of 340.0 bps to firms that Default and whose owners provided guarantees and 355.1 bps to firms whose owners did not provide guarantees. The difference of −15.1 bps is statistically significant at the 1% level and aligns with hypothesis H3a (pre-lending information theory).
These predicted spreads are clearly in line with the empirical findings reported earlier that pointed to the co-existence of both information and incentive theories with the pre-lending information theory overall predominating.
4.3 Robustness Tests: Owner Guarantees Coverage and Owner Bargaining Power
The findings reported in Table
4 and subsequent analyses of predicted spreads reported in Table
5 relate to whether owners provide guarantees. It may thus be relevant to assess whether the findings remain robust to the percentage of the loan amount that the owner guarantees cover (Bester
1987), and prudent management decisions may depend on the amount and value of guarantees (Niinimäki
2018). Table
6 presents additional empirical findings in which the owner guarantees are replaced by
Owner Guarantees Coverage. In addition, it may also be relevant to assess whether the findings remain robust to the bargaining power of owners (Grunert and Norden
2012). Table
7 presents additional empirical findings in which owner guarantees are replaced by O
wner Bargaining Power. The structures of Tables
6 and
7 are identical to that of Table
4. Reestimating the regressions with
Owner Guarantees Coverage and
Owner Bargaining Power yield findings that are in line with those reported in Table
Owner Guarantees Coverage as well as
Owner Bargaining Power and
High Credit Score firms and their interactions show negative coefficients that indicate a reduction in
Bank Lending Spreads in line with the pre-lending information theory and thus align with H1a and H2a. There is a positive association between
Bank Lending Spreads and
Owner Guarantees Coverage (as well as
Owner Bargaining Power) for firms with a
Low Credit Score, and thus align with H2b. Lastly, owner guarantees reduce lending spreads for firms that defaulted after the loan approval and thus align with H3a. For the remaining variables, the results remain unaltered. The predicted spreads from the estimations reported in Tables
6 and
7 are reported in Table
8 and are in line with those reported in Table
5. These robustness tests add strength to our baseline examination of the influence of owner guarantees,
Pre-lending Credit Scores, and
Post-lending Default, and their interactions on
Bank Lending Spreads. The findings from these robustness tests are also fully in line with the baseline findings.
Table 6
The effect of Owner Guarantees Coverage and Pre-lending Credit Score and Post-lending Default on Bank Lending Spread – robustness Ordinary Least Squares estimations. Column I displays the findings from the baseline specification of the robustness test that comprises only
Owner Guarantee Coverage (robustness check: Hypotheses
H1a, H1b). We augment this specification by adding measures of pre-lending (
High Credit Score, and
Low Credit Score) and post-lending (
Default) risk to Column II. The base outcome of
Pre-lending Credit Scores is the
Intermediate Credit Score. Control variables (i.e., loan, relationship, and bank characteristics) are added to Column III. We use the variables loan
Size and
Branch Proximity in the logarithm form to address the skewness of those variables shown in Table
2. The moderating effects of
Owner Guarantees Coverage on the relationship between
Pre-lending Credit Scores,
Post-lending Default, and
Bank Lending Spread are reported in Column IV. The estimates reported in Column IV display the association between the aggregated effect of owner guarantees coverage with observed high risk and bank lending spreads (robustness check: Hypotheses H2a, H2b) and the association between the coverage of owner guarantees and bank lending spreads for firms that enter into default post-lending (robustness check: Hypotheses H3a, H3b). Table
1 details the definitions and measurements for all variables
| Owner | Risk | Controls | Interactions |
| Owner | [+] Fixed Effects | [+] Pre-lending Credit Score | [+] Post-lending Default | [+] Loan charact. | [+] Bank-firm Relationships | [+] Bank charact. | High Credit Score | Low Credit Score | Default |
| I.1 | I.2 | II.1 | II.2 | III.1 | III.2 | III.3 | IV.1 | IV.2 | IV.3 |
Independent | | | | | | | | | | |
Owner | | | | | | | | | | |
Owner Guarantees Coverage | −0.393** | −0.511** | −0.523** | −0.515** | −0.520** | −0.543** | −0.548** | −0.456* | −0.622** | −0.669** |
| (0.057) | (0.084) | (0.072) | (0.072) | (0.089) | (0.096) | (0.101) | (0.108) | (0.078) | (0.114) |
Pre-lending Credit Score (Risk) | | | | | | | | | | |
High Credit Score | | | −0.230** | −0.174* | −0.167* | −0.167* | −0.162* | −0.161* | | |
| | | (0.043) | (0.041) | (0.041) | (0.046) | (0.048) | (0.053) | | |
Low Credit Score | | | 0.313** | 0.323** | 0.305** | 0.272* | 0.238* | | −0.075 | |
| | | (0.056) | (0.060) | (0.064) | (0.072) | (0.081) | | (0.048) | |
Post-lending Default (Risk) | | | | | | | | | | |
Default | | | | 0.182** | 0.180** | 0.241** | 0.240** | | | 0.109* |
| | | | (0.037) | (0.034) | (0.044) | (0.042) | | | (0.029) |
Owner x Risk | | | | | | | | | | |
Owner Guarantees Coverage x High Credit score | | | | | | | | −0.210** | | |
| | | | | | | | (0.030) | | |
Owner Guarantees Coverage x Low Credit Score | | | | | | | | | 0.651*** | |
| | | | | | | | | (0.033) | |
Owner Guarantees Coverage x Default | | | | | | | | | | 0.455*** |
| | | | | | | | | | (0.019) |
Control | | | | | | | | | | |
Loan characteristics | | | | | | | | | | |
ln(Size) | | | | | −0.071** | −0.086** | −0.093** | −0.104** | −0.103** | −0.103** |
| | | | | (0.013) | (0.011) | (0.010) | (0.015) | (0.011) | (0.013) |
Maturity | | | | | −0.000 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.001 |
| | | | | (0.001) | (0.001) | (0.001) | (0.001) | (0.001) | (0.001) |
Bank-Firm Relationships | | | | | | | | | | |
Main Bank | | | | | | 0.110** | 0.121** | 0.147** | 0.153** | 0.133** |
| | | | | | (0.023) | (0.023) | (0.022) | (0.022) | (0.017) |
Overdraft Facility | | | | | | 0.274*** | 0.277*** | 0.281*** | 0.277*** | 0.275*** |
| | | | | | (0.022) | (0.022) | (0.020) | (0.010) | (0.016) |
ln(Branch Proximity) | | | | | | −0.046*** | −0.042*** | −0.023** | −0.012* | −0.061*** |
| | | | | | (0.001) | (0.001) | (0.003) | (0.004) | (0.001) |
Bank characteristics | | | | | | | | | | |
Capital | | | | | | | 0.336** | 0.336** | 0.336** | 0.353*** |
| | | | | | | (0.037) | (0.037) | (0.039) | (0.029) |
Liquidity | | | | | | | −0.347** | −0.358** | −0.349** | −0.369** |
| | | | | | | (0.053) | (0.048) | (0.051) | (0.041) |
Intercept | 3.523*** | 2.899*** | 3.068*** | 2.966*** | 3.273*** | 3.462*** | 1.824** | 1.866** | 1.767** | 1.787*** |
| (0.011) | (0.059) | (0.080) | (0.055) | (0.086) | (0.078) | (0.217) | (0.235) | (0.206) | (0.158) |
Observations | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 |
R-squared | 0.022 | 0.099 | 0.116 | 0.120 | 0.124 | 0.136 | 0.145 | 0.139 | 0.139 | 0.143 |
Clustered Sandwich Estimator (Industry) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Time fixed effects | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Location and Industry fixed effects | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Table 7
The effect of Owner Bargaining Power, Pre-lending Credit Score, and Post-lending Default on Bank Lending Spread – robustness Ordinary Least Squares estimations. Column I displays the findings from the baseline specification of the robustness test that comprises only
Owner Bargaining Power (robustness check: Hypotheses H1a, H1b). We augment this specification by adding measures of pre-lending (High Credit Score, and Low Credit Score) and post-lending (Default) risk to Column II. The base outcome of
Pre-lending Credit Scores is the
Intermediate Cr
edit Score. Control variables (i.e., loan, relationship, and bank characteristics) are added to Column III. We use the variables loan
Size and
Branch Proximity in the logarithm form to address the skewness of those variables shown in Table
2. The moderating effects of
Owner Bargaining Power on the relationship between
Pre-lending Credit Scores,
Post-lending Default, and
Bank Lending Spread are reported in Column IV. The estimates reported in Column IV display the association between the aggregated effect of owner bargaining power with observed high-risk and bank lending spreads (robustness check: Hypotheses H2a, H2b) and the association between the owner bargaining power and bank lending spreads for firms that enter into default post-lending (robustness check: Hypotheses H3a, H3b). Table
1 details the definitions and measurements for all variables
| Owner | Risk | Controls | Interactions |
| Owner | [+] Fixed Effects | [+] Pre-lending Credit Score | [+] Post-lending Default | [+] Loan charact. | [+] Bank-firm Relationships | [+] Bank charact. | High Credit Score | Low Credit Score | Default |
| I.1 | I.2 | II.1 | II.2 | III.1 | III.2 | III.3 | IV.1 | IV.2 | IV.3 |
Independent | | | | | | | | | | |
Owner | | | | | | | | | | |
Owner Bargaining Power | −0.354** | −0.469** | −0.481** | −0.473** | −0.471** | −0.494** | −0.500** | −0.408** | −0.570** | −0.613** |
| (0.052) | (0.079) | (0.066) | (0.066) | (0.081) | (0.088) | (0.093) | (0.094) | (0.073) | (0.107) |
Pre-lending Credit Score (Risk) | | | | | | | | | | |
High Credit Score | | | −0.231** | −0.173* | −0.165* | −0.165* | −0.161* | −0.164 | | |
| | | (0.043) | (0.041) | (0.042) | (0.047) | (0.049) | (0.061) | | |
Low Credit Score | | | 0.312** | 0.322** | 0.308** | 0.274* | 0.241* | | −0.049 | |
| | | (0.056) | 0.186** | 0.182** | 0.245** | 0.244** | | | 0.128* |
Default | | | | (0.036) | (0.033) | (0.043) | (0.041) | | | (0.033) |
Owner x Risk | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | (0.024) | | |
Owner Bargaining Power x High Credit Score | | | | | | | | −0.207** | | |
Owner Bargaining Power x Low Credit Score | | | | | | | | | 0.618*** | |
| | | | | | | | | (0.026) | |
Owner Bargaining Power x Default | | | | | | | | | | 0.429*** |
| | | | | | | | | | (0.011) |
Control | | | | | | | | | | |
Loan characteristics | | | | | | | | | | |
ln(Size) | | | | | −0.071** | −0.086** | −0.093*** | −0.104** | −0.103*** | −0.103** |
| | | | | (0.011) | (0.009) | (0.008) | (0.013) | (0.009) | (0.012) |
Maturity | | | | | −0.001 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
| | | | | (0.001) | (0.001) | (0.001) | (0.001) | (0.001) | (0.001) |
Bank-Firm Relationships | | | | | | | | | | |
Main Bank | | | | | | 0.108** | 0.118** | 0.145** | 0.151** | 0.132** |
| | | | | | (0.023) | (0.024) | (0.022) | (0.023) | (0.018) |
Overdraft Facility | | | | | | 0.269*** | 0.272*** | 0.277*** | 0.273*** | 0.272*** |
| | | | | | (0.022) | (0.022) | (0.020) | (0.010) | (0.016) |
ln(Branch concentration) | | | | | | −0.048*** | −0.045*** | −0.025** | −0.014* | −0.062*** |
| | | | | | (0.001) | (0.001) | (0.003) | (0.004) | (0.000) |
Bank characteristics | | | | | | | | | | |
Capital | | | | | | | 0.332** | 0.332** | 0.331** | 0.349*** |
| | | | | | | (0.037) | (0.037) | (0.039) | (0.029) |
Liquidity | | | | | | | −0.345** | −0.357** | −0.347** | −0.367** |
| | | | | | | (0.052) | (0.047) | (0.049) | (0.040) |
Intercept | 3.500*** | 2.890*** | 3.060*** | 2.956*** | 3.270*** | 3.468*** | 1.854** | 1.898** | 1.797** | 1.811*** |
| (0.012) | (0.063) | (0.084) | (0.058) | (0.083) | (0.075) | (0.217) | (0.237) | (0.207) | (0.157) |
Observations | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 | 5096 |
R-squared | 0.018 | 0.094 | 0.111 | 0.114 | 0.119 | 0.131 | 0.140 | 0.134 | 0.134 | 0.137 |
Clustered sandwich estimator (Industry) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Time fixed effects | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Location and Industry fixed effects | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Table 8
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads based on robustness metrics of Owner Guarantees and Pre-lending Credit Score and Post-lending Default. Panel A. Based on
Owner Guarantees Coverage. Columns I to IV display the average differences (T-test) in
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads on (the median of)
Owner Guarantees Coverage, the
Pre-lending High Credit Scores,
Pre-lending Low Credit Scores, and
Post-lending Default, respectively. Column V displays the average differences in
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads on firms rated as high credit scores based on the median coverage ratio of owner guarantees (equal or above the coverage ratio median versus below the median). Column VI displays the average differences in firms rated as having low credit scores based on the median coverage ratio of owner guarantees. Column VII displays the average differences in firms that entered default based on the median coverage ratio of owner guarantees.
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads are obtained from the estimations reported in Table
6. Columns I to IV in this panel are those predicted from estimations displayed in Table
6, Column III; those in Columns V, VI, and VII are the predicted lending spread from estimations displayed in Table
6, Columns IV.1, IV.2, and IV.3., respectively. The average of the predicted bank lending spread in the baseline estimations is 3.315 with a standard deviation of 0.499. Table
1 details the definitions and measurements for all variables. Panel B Based on
Owner Bargaining Power. Columns I to IV display the average differences (T-test) in
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads on
Owner Guarantees Power, the
Pre-lending High Credit Scores,
Pre-lending Low Credit Scores, and
Post-lending Default, respectively. Column V (Column VI) displays the average differences in
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads on firms rated as high (low) credit scores based on owner bargaining power. Column VII displays the average differences in firms that entered default based on owner bargaining power.
Predicted Bank Lending Spreads are obtained from the estimations reported in Table
7. Columns I to IV in this panel are those predicted from estimations displayed in Table
7, Column III; those in Columns V, VI, and VII are the predicted lending spread from estimations displayed in Table
7, Columns IV.1, IV.2, and IV.3., respectively. The average of the predicted bank lending spread in the baseline estimations is 3.315 with a standard deviation of 0.490. Table
1 details the definitions and measurements for all variables
| I.1 | I.2 | I.3 | II.1 | II.2 | II.3 |
Observations | 2657 | 2439 | | 2296 | 2800 | |
Average Bank Lending Spread | 3.132 | 3.515 | −0.383*** | 3.129 | 3.467 | −0.339*** |
Standard Deviation | 0.466 | 0.455 | | 0.445 | 0.489 | |
| Column III | Column IV |
| Low Credit Score = 1 | Low Credit Score = 0 | Difference III.1-III.2 (t-test) | Default = 1 | Default = 0 | Difference IV.1-IV.2 (t-test) |
| III.1 | III.2 | III.3 | IV.1 | IV.2 | IV.3 |
Observations | 563 | 4533 | | 1351 | 3745 | |
Average Bank Lending Spread | 3.760 | 3.260 | +0.500*** | 3.479 | 3.256 | +0.223*** |
Standard Deviation | 0.474 | 0.473 | | 0.488 | 0.489 | |
| Column V | Column VI |
| Owner Guarantees Coverage ≥ Median | High Credit Score = 1 | Owner Guarantees Coverage < Median | High Credit Score = 1 | Difference V.1-V.2 (t-test) | Owner Guarantees Coverage ≥ Median | Low Credit Score = 1 | Owner Guarantees Coverage > Median | Low Credit Score = 1 | Difference VI.1-VI.2 (t-test) |
| V.1 | V.2 | V.4 | VI.1 | VI.2 | VI.4 |
Observations | 1181 | 1115 | | 368 | 195 | |
Average Bank Lending Spread | 2.893 | 3.378 | −0.485*** | 3.802 | 3.679 | +0.123*** |
Standard Deviation | 0.411 | 0.397 | | 0.426 | 0.417 | |
| Column VII | | |
| Owner Guarantees Coverage ≥ Median | Default = 1 | Owner Guarantees Coverage < Median | Default = 1 | Difference VII.1-VII.2 (t-test) | | | |
| VII.1 | VII.2 | VII.4 | | | |
Observations | 630 | 721 | | | | |
Average Bank Lending Spread | 3.402 | 3.546 | −0.144*** | | | |
Standard Deviation | 0.455 | 0.410 | | | | |
| Column I | Column II |
| Owner Bargaining Power = 1 | Owner Bargaining Power = 0 | Difference I.1-I.2 (t-test) | High Credit Score = 1 | High Credit Score = 0 | Difference II.1-II.2 (t-test) |
| I.1 | I.2 | I.3 | II.1 | II.2 | II.3 |
Observations | 2656 | 2440 | | 2296 | 2800 | |
Average Bank Lending Spread | 3.145 | 3.499 | −0.354*** | 3.129 | 3.467 | −0.338*** |
Standard Deviation | 0.465 | 0.448 | | 0.436 | 0.480 | |
| Column III | Column IV |
| Low Credit Score = 1 | Low Credit Score = 0 | Difference III.1-III.2 (t-test) | Default = 1 | Default = 0 | Difference IV.1-IV.2 (t-test) |
| III.1 | III.2 | III.3 | IV.1 | IV.2 | IV.3 |
Observations | 563 | 4533 | | 1351 | 3745 | |
Average Bank Lending Spread | 3.760 | 3.260 | +0.500*** | 3.479 | 3.256 | +0.223*** |
Standard Deviation | 0.462 | 0.471 | | 0.477 | 0.489 | |
| Column V | Column VI |
| Owner Bargaining Power = 1 | High Credit Score = 1 | Owner Bargaining Power = 0 | High Credit Score = 1 | Difference V.1-V.2 (t-test) | Owner Bargaining Power = 1 | Low Credit Score = 1 | Owner Bargaining Power = 0 | Low Credit Score = 1 | Difference VI.1-VI.2 (t-test) |
| V.1 | V.2 | V.3 | VI.1 | VI.2 | VI.3 |
Observations | 1181 | 1115 | | 368 | 195 | |
Average Bank Lending Spread | 2.907 | 3.363 | −0.456*** | 3.805 | 3.674 | +0.131*** |
Standard Deviation | 0.410 | 0.388 | | 0.426 | 0.411 | |
| Column VII | | |
| Owner Bargaining Power = 1 | Default = 1 | Owner Bargaining Power = 0 | Default = 1 | Difference VII.1-VII.2 (t-test) | | | |
| VII.1 | VII.2 | VII.3 | | | |
Observations | 632 | 719 | | | | |
Average Bank Lending Spread | 3.413 | 3.537 | −0.124*** | | | |
Standard Deviation | 0.455 | 0.405 | | | | |
5 Discussion
We have examined the association between owner guarantees (including their coverage and the owners’ bargaining power) and lending spreads for small firms by considering the complex effect of firm risk in the forms of observed credit scores and unobserved default rates on this relationship. Using loan contract data from a major European bank, which is not accessible through public sources, our analysis considers new loan contracts granted to small firms during the crisis (1Q2007 to 4Q2010). The findings reported in the previous section indicate the concurrent relevance of the pre-lending information theory and post-lending incentive theory. However, the pre-lending information theory predominates in explaining the influence of owner guarantees and their combination with observed and unobserved risks on bank lending spreads.
Building on sequential estimations, our baseline findings show a consistent overall negative relationship between owner guarantees and bank lending spreads. Our findings indicate that the bank reduces the lending spreads to owners willing to pledge their guarantees. This evidence aligns with the pre-lending information theory (Bester
1987) and with the scarce prior evidence on the role of business collateral (Booth and Booth
2006; Cerqueiro et al.
2016; Degryse and Van Cayseele
2000; Lehmann and Neuberger
2001) and owner guarantees (Pozzolo
2004) in mitigating pre-lending information problems. Through the analyses of the interactions and their constitutive terms, we have shown that owner guarantees have a persistent effect in reducing bank lending spreads for safer firms. This finding also in line with the pre-lending information theory (Bester
1987) and offers a novel perspective on the signaling role of owner guarantees. Safer firms, with high credit scores, use owner guarantees as a signal and, thus, trade them for a reduction in lending spreads. This signaling mechanism certifies the accumulated (imperfect) information possessed by banks to mitigate adverse selection.
Noteworthy in our findings is the empirical evidence on the interplay of owner guarantees in the context of unobserved firm risk, as measured by the post-lending default, and lending spreads. We find evidence that guarantees reduce lending spreads for firms that defaulted after the loan approval, which is contrary to the post-lending incentive theory while aligning with the signaling value of owner guarantees advocated by the pre-lending information theory. Our results reinforce the signaling role of guarantees under the premise that rational firms will only pledge owner guarantees, given their huge personal and social costs, if they believe in the ability to repay the loan regardless of the future positive prospects of the firms. Within the scope of business collateral, Jiménez et al. (
2006) has also lent credence to the concept of collateralization as a mechanism to reduce information.
13 Our findings on owner guarantees align with their understanding of the use of collateral to alleviate information problems, while also elucidating on the previously unaddressed joint effect of owner guarantees and observed and unobserved risk on loan spreads.
In addition, we also find evidence that for firms with low credit scores, banks demand owner guarantees and higher lending spreads as complementary tools to mitigate incentive problems. This approach is advocated by the post-lending incentive theory (Boot and Thakor
1994; Boot et al.
1991) and aligns with the evidence on the positive relation between observed risk and both business collateral (Berger et al.
2011b; Ivashina
2009; Jiménez et al.
2006) and loan rates (Ivashina
2009). Thus, despite the overall association of guarantees on lending spreads appearing negative, a contrasting positive effect emerges in scenarios involving high risk firms which increases the vulnerability of banks to higher incentive-related losses. Paradoxically, loans that are secured by owner guarantees that default after inception benefit from reduced lending spreads. This evidence challenges the conventional wisdom regarding the informational opacity of small firms and shows that banks struggle to distinguish effectively between low- and high-risk firms. The potential consequences of such misjudgments in risk management underscore the need for heightened attention from both practitioners and regulators.
Our findings on the co-existence of the pre-lending information theory and the post-lending incentive theory in explaining the use of owner guarantees are in line with the evidence on the relationship between business collateral and bank lending spreads (Berger et al.
2016). The predominance of the pre-lending theory is however at odds with the previous findings on business collateral where the post-lending theory predominated. Our findings advance our knowledge by pointing to the relevant role of owner guarantees in reducing information problems and business collateral in reducing incentive problems.
The evidence we provide is based on empirical observations of new loan contract terms from a single bank. Our study focuses on a large European bank and provides insights into the factors influencing lending spreads across the continent. Our bank mimics wider industry practices regarding the small firm segment. Banks in Europe have adopted the Basel Capital Accords concerning lending to small firms based on the internal ratings approach. If large, as is the case with our bank, it also falls within the single supervisory mechanism concerning its procedures including early warning signals stemming from the loan portfolios of small firms. While the regulatory and supervisory oversights ensure the similarity of practices for the small firm segment across large European banks, there may still be some nuances stemming from different operational models of banks to which future research endeavors can dedicate their attention.
In addition, unlike the US, Europe possesses a notably bank-centric financial system. Firms depend heavily on bank loans owing to the underdevelopment of the capital markets as notably only 2% of small firms in Europe pointed to debt securities as a relevant source of finance (ECB
2021). Additionally, in comparison to the US, there is minimal separation between ownership and management in European firms (Krivogorsky
2011), making owner guarantees particularly important for European small firms and banks. Together, these characteristics suggest that albeit not universal, our setting and findings reflect a wider phenomenon associated with bank lending to small firms in Europe. Nonetheless, future research endeavors over a wider spectrum of banks and financial would be most welcome.
The literature points to the critical role of owner guarantees for smaller firms. This role contrasts sharply with larger firms that possess tangible assets, and ownership is clearly separated from management (Ono and Uesugi
2009). Nevertheless, future research endeavors in the examination of owner guarantees on bank lending spreads could also consider the effect of size across a wider array of banks and financial systems. Depending on data availability, future studies could also consider owner characteristics alongside firm characteristics to detect idiosyncrasies in the use of owner guarantees.
6 Conclusions
Bank loans are an indispensable source of financing for small firms in many countries. Despite their importance, not much is known about the structure of bank loan contracts. Bank loans are mostly contracted over the counter; this makes data on these contracts largely inaccessible.
Bank loans granted to small opaque firms suffer from relevant adverse selection (Bester
1987) and incentive problems (Boot and Thakor
1994; Holmström and Tirole
1997) that may lead to credit rationing (Jaffee and Russell
1976; Stiglitz and Weiss
1981) and lemons-type of discouragement (Akerlof
1970). Mechanisms that reduce these problems can smooth lending by banks and reduce the cost of funding for firms that ultimately promote innovation and investment (Lee et al.
2015). Banks frequently respond to information and incentive problems by using hard credit scores (Altman
1980; Berger et al.
2005; Berger and Frame
2007; Frame et al.
2001; Ivashina
2009; Nakamura and Roszbach
2018), soft bank-firm relationships (Blackwell and Winters
1997; Casu et al.
2022; Degryse and Ongena
2005; Degryse and Van Cayseele
2000; Lehmann and Neuberger
2001; Petersen and Rajan
1994), or business collateral (Berger et al.
2016) to guide their lending decisions. However, many young and innovative firms neither possess long enough credit histories or bank-firm relationships on which banks can rely on to guide lending decisions nor the collateral to provide secure lending.
Many small firms resort to providing guarantees with simple blanket liens that have far-reaching implications for owners and society. We build our research by using unique data on over-the-counter bank loans contracted by small firms to ascertain the extent to which the relation between owner guarantees is explained by the pre-lending information theory or by the post-lending incentive theory, or by both. To answer the above research question, we relate owner guarantees (their coverage and owners’ bargaining power), observed (pre-lending credit scores), and unobserved (default) risks and their interactions with bank lending spreads while controlling for loan terms; bank-firm relationships; bank features; and time, location, and industry fixed effects. We test our model on bank lending spreads with sequential estimations using an OLS with a clustering correction for the industry in which the firm operates. We also estimate the predicted loan spreads to complement our regression analysis. Our baseline findings show a negative relation that is consistent and statistically significant among owner guarantees, high credit scores (safe firms), and bank lending spreads. Through the analyses of the interactions and their constitutive terms, we show that owner guarantees exert a significant influence in lowering bank lending spreads for safe firms. This effect (aligned with the signaling value of collateralization theorized by Bester
1985) is particularly noticeable for firms with high credit scores and for those that do not default (safe firms), but also for firms that default after the loan’s inception (unobserved risky firms). However, our analyses of the interactions between owner guarantees and low credit score firms (risky firms) also show evidence of a positive relation between owner guarantees and bank lending spreads. These findings indicate that both the information and incentive theories explain the influence of owner guarantees on bank lending spreads but with the information theory predominating empirically. The findings on the co-existence of the theories in explaining the relation between owner guarantees and bank lending spreads are in line with previous findings on the effectiveness of both theories in explaining the influence of business collateral on bank lending spreads (Berger et al.
2016). The evidence of the predominance of the information theory is however at odds with previous findings on business collateral where the incentive theory predominates. Our findings point to the relevant role of owner guarantees in reducing information problems that therefore ameliorate bank lending spreads in the context of relational banking.
These findings complement the very limited ones on the relevant role of owner guarantees in reducing spreads (Pozzolo
2004), in limiting non-repayment (Bhimani et al.
2014), and extending maturities (Duarte et al.
2020) in bank lending to small firms. The inroads charted by this research can be extended further to uncover the effect of owner guarantees on credit rationing and the well-known under- and over-investment problems to name a few. These extensions are likely to be more relevant and critical in contexts predominated by the owner or family-managed firms (Voordeckers and Steijvers
2006) that must rely extensively on bank lending (Krivogorsky
2011) and less relevant in contexts predominated by large firms with clear separation of ownership and management that can tap into capital markets for their financing (Ono and Uesugi
Our fresh findings highlight the critical role played by owner guarantees in allaying information problems between banks and firms in loan contracting. Reductions in information asymmetries in bank lending have the potential to improve loan terms, in particular lending rates to small firms. But there is a caveat. On the one hand, owner guarantees have the potential to facilitate access to bank lending and improve loan terms, in particular lending rates, repayment terms, and maturities. On the other hand, such guarantees keep the downside risk of banks that requires owners to provide additional equity in case of distress (default or bankruptcy). To the best of our knowledge, these equity commitments remain largely unaccounted for by policymakers despite their far-reaching implications for owners who may have to declare personal bankruptcy if unable to provide additional equity to save their firms and generate significant social costs. The potential consequences of these equity commitments deserve further attention from academics, practitioners, and importantly, policymakers as also highlighted in the literature (Bhimani et al.
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