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2011 | Book

Parabolic Problems

The Herbert Amann Festschrift

Editors: Joachim Escher, Patrick Guidotti, Matthias Hieber, Piotr Mucha, Jan W. Prüss, Yoshihiro Shibata, Gieri Simonett, Christoph Walker, Wojciech Zajaczkowski

Publisher: Springer Basel

Book Series : Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications


About this book

The volume originates from the 'Conference on Nonlinear Parabolic Problems' held in celebration of Herbert Amann's 70th birthday at the Banach Center in Bedlewo, Poland. It features a collection of peer-reviewed research papers by recognized experts highlighting recent advances in fields of Herbert Amann's interest such as nonlinear evolution equations, fluid dynamics, quasi-linear parabolic equations and systems, functional analysis, and more.

Table of Contents

Double Obstacle Limit for a Navier-Stokes/Cahn-Hilliard System

We consider the double obstacle limit for a Navier-Stokes/Cahn- Hilliard type system. The system describes a so-called diffuse interface model for the two-phase flow of two macroscopically immiscible incompressible viscous fluids in the case of matched densities, also known as Model H. Starting with a suitable class of singular free energies, which keep the concentration strictly inside the physically reasonable interval [

a, b

], we analyze a certain singular limit, where the equation for the chemical potential converges to a differential inclusion related to the subgradient of the indicator function of [

a, b


Helmut Abels
Flows of Generalized Oldroyd-B Fluids in Curved Pipes

The aim of this work is to present a numerical study of generalized Oldroyd-B flows with shear-thinning viscosity in a curved pipe of circular cross section and arbitrary curvature ratio. Flows are driven by a given pressure gradient and behavior of the solutions is discussed with respect to different rheologic and geometric flow parameters.

Marília Pires, Adélia Sequeira
Remarks on Maximal Regularity

We prove weighted estimates for the maximal regularity operator. Such estimates were motivated by boundary value problems. We take this opportunity to study a class of weak solutions to the abstract Cauchy problem. We also give a new proof of maximal regularity for closed and maximal accretive operators following from Kato’s inequality for fractional powers and almost orthogonality arguments.

Pascal Auscher, Andreas Axelsson
On the Classical Solvability of Boundary Value Problems for Parabolic Equations with Incompatible Initial and Boundary Data

We study the first and second boundary value problems for parabolic equations in a half-space

$$ \mathbb{R}^{n}_+,\, {n}\geq\,\,{2} $$

, with incompatible initial and boundary data on the boundary



= 0 of a domain. The existence, uniqueness and estimates of the solutions in the Hölder and weighted spaces are proved. We show that nonfulfillment of the compatibility conditions leads to appearance of the solutions, which are singular in the vicinity of a boundary of a domain as


→ 0.

Galina Bizhanova
On the Maxwell-Stefan Approach to Multicomponent Diffusion

We consider the system of Maxwell-Stefan equations which describe multicomponent diffusive fluxes in non-dilute solutions or gas mixtures. We apply the Perron-Frobenius theorem to the irreducible and quasi-positive matrix which governs the flux-force relations and are able to show normal ellipticity of the associated multicomponent diffusion operator. This provides local-in-time wellposedness of the Maxwell-Stefan multicomponent diffusion system in the isobaric, isothermal case.

Dieter Bothe
Global Existence vs. Blowup in a One-dimensional Smoluchowski-Poisson System

We prove that, unlike in several space dimensions, there is no critical (nonlinear) diffusion coefficient for which solutions to the one-dimensional quasilinear Smoluchowski-Poisson equation with small mass exist globally while finite time blowup could occur for solutions with large mass.

Tomasz Cieślak, Philippe Laurençot
Perturbation Results for Multivalued Linear Operators

We give some perturbation theorems for multivalued linear operators in a Banach space. Two different approaches are suggested: the resolvent approach and the modified resolvent approach. The results allow us to handle degenerate abstract Cauchy problems (inclusions). A very wide application of obtained abstract results to initial boundary value problems for degenerate parabolic (elliptic-parabolic) equations with lower-order terms is studied. In particular, integro-differential equations have been considered too.

Ronald Cross, Angelo Favini, Yakov Yakubov
Semilinear Stochastic Integral Equations in L p

We consider a semilinear parabolic stochastic integral equation

$$\begin{array}{lll}u(t, \omega, x) = A{a}_a * u(t, \omega, x) + \sum \nolimits ^\infty _{k=1}a_\beta * G^k(t, \omega, u({t, \omega,.}))(x) \\ & + a_\gamma * F(t, \omega, u(t,\omega,.))(x) + u_o(\omega,x) + {t}{u}_1 (\omega, x).\end{array}$$


$$ t \,\epsilon\,[0,\rm T],\omega$$

in a probability space

$$ \Omega,x $$

In a

$$ \sigma $$

-finite measure space


with (positive) measure

$$ \Lambda $$

The kernels

$$ a _{\mu}(\rm t) $$

are multiples of

$$ t{\mu-1}. $$

The operator

$$ A :D(A) \subset \rm L_{p}(B)\longrightarrow \rm L_{p}(B)$$

is such that (–A)is a nonnegative operator. The convolution integrals

$$ a\beta\star \rm G^{k}$$

are stochastic convolutions with respect to independent scalar Wiener processes

$$\begin{array}{ll}{w}^{k}\,.\,{F}\,:\,[0,{T}]\,\times\,{\Omega}\,\times{D}((-{A})^\theta)\,\rightarrow \,{L_p}(B)\,{\rm{and}}\,{G}:\,[0,{T}]\,\times\,{\Omega}\,\times{D}((-{A})^\theta)\,\rightarrow \\ \,{L_p}(B,l_2)\end{array} $$

are nonlinear with suitable Lipschitz conditions. We establish an


theory for this equation, including existence and uniqueness of solutions, and regularity results in terms of fractional powers of (


) and fractional derivatives in time.

Wolfgang Desch, Stig-Olof Londen
On the Motion of Several Rigid Bodies in an Incompressible Viscous Fluid under the Influence of Selfgravitating Forces

The global existence of weak solutions is proved for the problem of the motion of several rigid bodies in non-newtonian fluid of power-law with selfgraviting forces.

Bernard Ducomet, Šárka Nečasová
Geometric Aspects of the Periodic μ-Degasperis-Procesi Equation

We consider the periodic


DP equation (a modified version of the Degasperis-Procesi equation) as the geodesic flow of a right-invariant affine connection

on the Fréchet Lie group Diff



) of all smooth and orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms of the circle


. On the Lie algebra C



) of Diff



), this connection is canonically given by the sum of the Lie bracket and a bilinear operator. For smooth initial data, we show the short time existence of a smooth solution of


DP which depends smoothly on time and on the initial data. Furthermore, we prove that the exponential map defined by

is a smooth local diffeomorphism of a neighbourhood of zero in C



) onto a neighbourhood of the unit element in Diff



). Our results follow from a general approach on non-metric Euler equations on Lie groups, a Banach space approximation of the Fréchet space C



), and a sharp spatial regularity result for the geodesic flow.

Joachim Escher, Martin Kohlmann, Boris Kolev
Global Leray-Hopf Weak Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations with Nonzero Time-dependent Boundary Values

In a bounded smooth domain

$$ \Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^{3}\, {\rm {and \,a\,time\,interval}}\, \left[{0}, \,{T}\right.\left)\right.,{0\,<\,{T}\,\leq \,\propto} \, $$

consider the instationary Navier-Stokes equations with initial value

$$ {u}_{o}\,\, \in \,\, {\rm{L}^{2}_{\sigma}(\Omega)\,{and\,external \, force}}{\rm {f}\,=\,{div}\,{F}\,{F}\,\in\,{L}^{2}\,(0,\,T;\,{L}^{2}(\Omega))}$$

As is well known there exists at least one weak solution in the sense of J. Leray and E. Hopf with vanishing boundary values satisfying the strong energy inequality. In this paper, we extend the class of global in time Leray-Hopf weak solutions to the case when

$${u}_{\left|{\delta}{\Omega}\right. }\,\,\,=\,{g}$$

with non-zero time-dependent boundary values


. Although there is no uniqueness result for these solutions, they satisfy a strong energy inequality and an energy estimate. In particular, the long-time behavior of energies will be analyzed.

R. Farwig, H. Kozono, H. Sohr
Time and Norm Optimality of Weakly Singular Controls


$$ \bar{u}(t) $$

be a control that satisfies the infinite-dimensional version of Pontryagin’s maximum principle for a linear control system, and let

$$ {z}(t) $$

be the costate associated with

$$ \bar{u}(t) $$

. It is known that integrability of

$$ {z}(t) $$

in the control interval [0, T] guarantees that

$$ \bar{u}(t) $$

is time and norm optimal. However, there are examples where optimality holds (or does not hold) when

$$ {z}(t) $$

is not integrable. This paper presents examples of both cases for a particular semigroup (the right translation semigroup in

$$ {L^2}(0,\infty )$$


H. O. Fattorini
Asymptotic Behavior of a Leray Solution around a Rotating Obstacle

We consider a body, B, that rotates, without translating, in a Navier-Stokes liquid that fills the whole space exterior to B. We analyze asymptotic properties of steady-state motions, that is, time-independent solutions to the equation of motion written in a frame attached to the body. We prove that “weak” steady-state solutions in the sense of J. Leray that satisfy the energy inequality are Physically Reasonable in the sense of R. Finn, provided the “size” of the data is suitably restricted.

Giovanni P. Galdi, Mads Kyed
A Remark on Maximal Regularity of the Stokes Equations

Assuming that the Helmholtz decomposition exists in


it is proved that the Stokes equation has maximal

$${L}^{q}\,{\rm{-regularity\, in\,}}\,{{L}^{s}}_{\sigma}(\Omega)\,{\rm{for}\,s\,\epsilon}\,[min{q,q^\prime}].\,{\rm{Here\,\Omega\,\subset\,\mathbb{R}^n\,is\,an}\,(\varepsilon,\,\propto)}$$

domain with uniform



Matthias Geissert, Horst Heck
On Linear Elliptic and Parabolic Problems in Nikol’skij Spaces

We consider estimates depending on a parameter for general linear elliptic boundary value problems, with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions, in Nikol’skij spaces. These estimates are then employed to study general linear nonautonomous parabolic systems, again with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions. Maximal regularity results are proved.

Davide Guidetti
Parabolic Equations in Anisotropic Orlicz Spaces with General N-functions

In the present paper we study the existence of weak solutions to an abstract parabolic initial-boundary value problem. On the operator appearing in the equation we assume the coercivity conditions given by an


-function (i.e., convex function satisfying conditions specified in the paper). The main novelty of the paper consists in the lack of any growth restrictions on the


-function combined with an anisotropic character of the


-function, namely we allow the dependence on all the directions of the gradient, not only on its absolute value.

Piotr Gwiazda, Agnieszka Świerczewska Gwiazda
Maximal Parabolic Regularity for Divergence Operators on Distribution Spaces

We show that elliptic second-order operators


of divergence type fulfill maximal parabolic regularity on distribution spaces, even if the underlying domain is highly non-smooth, the coefficients of


are discontinuous and


is complemented with mixed boundary conditions. Applications to quasilinear parabolic equations with non-smooth data are presented.

Robert Haller-Dintelmann, Joachim Rehberg
On the Relation Between the Large Time Behavior of the Stokes Semigroup and the Decay of Steady Stokes Flow at Infinity


e -tA

be the Stokes semigroup over an unbounded domain O. For construction of the Navier-Stokes flow globally in time, it is crucial to derive




decay estimate (1.4) for

?e -tA

; thus, given O, we need to ask which (

q, r

) admits (1.4). The present paper provides a principle which interprets how this question is related to spatial decay properties of steady Stokes flow in the domain O under consideration.

Toshiaki Hishida
Well-posedness and Exponential Decay for the Westervelt Equation with Inhomogeneous Dirichlet Boundary Data

This paper deals with global solvability of Westervelt equation, which model arises in the context of high intensity ultrasound. The PDE equations derived are evolutionary quasilinear, potentially degenerate damped wave equations defined on a bounded domain in




= 1, 2, 3. We prove local and global well-posedness as well as exponential decay rates for the Westervelt equation with

inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions

and small Cauchy data. The local existence proofs are based on an application of Banach’s fixed point theorem to an appropriate formulation of these PDEs. Global well-posedness is shown by exploiting functional analytic properties enjoyed by the semigroups generated by strongly damped wave equations. These include analyticity, dissipativity and suitable characterization of fractional powers of the generator – properties that enable the applicability of the “barrier” method. The obtained result holds for all times, provided that the Cauchy data are taken from a suitably small (independent on time) ball characterized by the parameters of the equation, and the boundary data satisfy some decay condition.

Barbara Kaltenbacher, Irena Lasiecka, Slobodan Veljović
On Divergence Form Second-order PDEs with Growing Coefficients in W 1 p Spaces without Weights

We consider second-order divergence form uniformly parabolic and elliptic PDEs with bounded and


leading coefficients and possibly linearly growing lower-order coefficients. We look for solutions which are summable to the


th power with respect to the usual Lebesgue measure along with their first derivatives with respect to the spatial variables.

N. V. Krylov
Global Properties of Transition Kernels Associated with Second-order Elliptic Operators

We study global regularity properties of transitions kernels associated with second-order differential operators in



with unbounded drift and potential terms. Under suitable conditions, we prove Sobolev regularity of transition kernels and pointwise upper bounds. As an application, we obtain sufficient conditions implying the differentiability of the associated semigroup on the space of bounded and continuous functions on




Karima Laidoune, Giorgio Metafune, Diego Pallara, Abdelaziz Rhandi
Metric-induced Morphogenesis and Non-Euclidean Elasticity: Scaling Laws and Thin Film Models

The purpose of this paper is to report on recent developments concerning the analysis and the rigorous derivation of thin film models for structures exhibiting residual stress at free equilibria. This phenomenon has been observed in different contexts: growing leaves, torn plastic sheets and specifically engineered polymer gels. The study of wavy patterns in these contexts suggest that the sheet endeavors to reach a non-attainable equilibrium and hence assumes a non-zero stress rest configuration.

Marta Lewicka
Compactness and Asymptotic Behavior in Nonautonomous Linear Parabolic Equations with Unbounded Coefficients in ℝ d

We consider a class of second-order linear nonautonomous parabolic equations in ℝ


with time periodic unbounded coefficients. We give sufficient conditions for the evolution operator



t, s

) be compact in





) for




, and describe the asymptotic behavior of



t, s






→ ∞ in terms of a family of measures




$$ s \in \mathbb{R} $$

, solution of the associated Fokker-Planck equation.

Alessandra Lunardi
Gradient Estimates and Domain Identification for Analytic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Operators



be the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup associated with the stochastic Cauchy problem

$$ dU(t) = AU(t)\,dt + dW_{H}(t), $$



is the generator of a





on a Banach space




is a Hilbert subspace of


, and



is an


-cylindrical Brownian motion. Assuming that


restricts to a



-semigroup on


, we obtain



-bounds for






). We show that if


is analytic, then the invariance assumption is fulfilled. As an application we determine the



-domain of the generator of


explicitly in the case where


restricts to a



-semigroup on


which is similar to an analytic contraction semigroup. The results are applied to the 1D stochastic heat equation driven by additive space-time white noise.

Jan Maas, Jan van Neerven
R-sectoriality of Cylindrical Boundary Value Problems

We prove

$$ \mathcal{R} $$

-sectoriality or, equivalently,



-maximal regularity for a class of operators on cylindrical domains of the form

$$ \mathbb{R}^{n-k}\times V $$

, where

$$ V \subset \mathbb{R}^{k} $$

is a domain with compact boundary,

$$ \mathbb{R}^{k} $$

, or a half-space. Instead of extensive localization procedures, we present an elegant approach via operatorvalued multiplier theory which takes advantage of the cylindrical shape of both, the domain and the operator.

Tobias Nau, Jürgen Saal
Analytic Solutions for the Two-phase Navier-Stokes Equations with Surface Tension and Gravity

We consider the motion of two superposed immiscible, viscous, incompressible, capillary fluids that are separated by a sharp interface which needs to be determined as part of the problem. Allowing for gravity to act on the fluids, we prove local well-posedness of the problem. In particular, we obtain well-posedness for the case where the heavy fluid lies on top of the light one, that is, for the case where the Rayleigh-Taylor instability is present. Additionally we show that solutions become real analytic instantaneously.

Jan Prüss, Gieri Simonett
On Conserved Penrose-Fife Type Models

In this paper we investigate quasilinear parabolic systems of conserved Penrose-Fife type. We show maximal



-regularity for this problem with inhomogeneous boundary data. Furthermore we prove global existence of a solution, under the assumption that the absolute temperature is bounded from below and above. Moreover, we apply the Lojasiewicz-Simon inequality to establish the convergence of solutions to a steady state as time tends to infinity.

Jan Prüss, Mathias Wilke
The Asymptotic Profile of Solutions of a Class of Singular Parabolic Equations

We consider a class of singular parabolic problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We use the Rayleigh quotient and recent Harnack estimates to derive estimates from above and from below for the solution. Moreover we study the asymptotic behaviour when the solution is approaching the extinction time.

F. Ragnedda, S. Vernier Piro, V. Vespri
Linearized Stability for Nonlinear Partial Differential Delay Equations

The object of the paper are partial differential delay equations of the form

$$ \dot{u}(t)+Bu(t)\ni\,F(u_{t}),\,t \geq 0,\,u_{0} = \varphi $$

, with

$$ B\,\subset\,X\,\times\,X\,\omega $$

-accretive in a Banach space


. We extend the principle of linearized stability around an equilibrium from the semilinear case, with


linear, to the fully nonlinear case, with


having a linear ‘resolvent-differential’ at the equilibrium.

Wolfgang M. Ruess
Stochastic Equations with Boundary Noise

We study the wellposedness and pathwise regularity of semilinear non-autonomous parabolic evolution equations with boundary and interior noise in an



setting. We obtain existence and uniqueness of mild and weak solutions. The boundary noise term is reformulated as a perturbation of a stochastic evolution equation with values in extrapolation spaces.

Roland Schnaubelt, Mark Veraar
A Note on Necessary Conditions for Blow-up of Energy Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations

In the present note, we address the question about behavior of



-norm of the velocity field as time


approaches blow-up time


. It is known that the upper limit of the above norm must be equal to infinity. We show that, for blow-ups of type I, the lower limit of



-norm equals to infinity as well.

Gregory Seregin
Local Solvability of Free Boundary Problems for the Two-phase Navier-Stokes Equations with Surface Tension in the Whole Space

We consider the free boundary problem of the two-phase Navier-Stokes equation with surface tension and gravity in the whole space. We prove a local-in-time unique existence theorem in the space




with 2 <


< ∞ and




< ∞ for any initial data satisfying certain compatibility conditions. Our theorem is proved by the standard fixed point argument based on the maximal






regularity theorem for the corresponding linearized equations.

Senjo Shimizu
Inversion of the Lagrange Theorem in the Problem of Stability of Rotating Viscous Incompressible Liquid

The paper contains analysis of the spectrum of a linear problem arising in the study of the stability of a finite isolated mass of uniformly rotating viscous incompressible self-gravitating liquid. It is assumed that the capillary forces on the free boundary of the liquid are not taken into account. It is proved that when the second variation of the energy functional can take negative values, then the spectrum of the problem contains finite number of points with positive real parts, which means instability of the rotating liquid in a linear approximation. The proof relies on the theorem on the invariant subspaces of dissipative operators in the Hilbert space with an indefinite metrics.

V. A. Solonnikov
Questions of Stability for a Parabolic-hyperbolic System

We consider a model describing a situation in which a population follows the density gradient of a nutrient that is produced at a spatially inhomogeneous rate of production and subject to diffusion. We show the stability of the equilibrium solution.

Gerhard Ströhmer
Parabolic Problems
Joachim Escher
Patrick Guidotti
Matthias Hieber
Piotr Mucha
Jan W. Prüss
Yoshihiro Shibata
Gieri Simonett
Christoph Walker
Wojciech Zajaczkowski
Copyright Year
Springer Basel
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN

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