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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

2. \({\text {UTe}}_{2}\): Paradise for Condensed-Matter Scientists

Author : Dr. Katsuki Kinjo

Published in: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study on Multiple Superconducting Phases in UTe2

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This chapter reviews \({\text {UTe}}_{2}\), the material of interest in this study. Much more research has been published than is covered in this chapter, and many new results are still being published during the writing of this book. Note that this section only highlights the important topics related to this study.

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From private communication
From thermodynamics, the relation between magnetization M and entropy S is obtained from the Maxwell relation: \((\partial S/ \partial H)_T = (\partial M/\partial T)_H\). In addition, at low temperatures, C/T is almost constant. Therefore, \(S=\gamma T\) in \({\text {UTe}}_{2}\) is hold up. As a results, we can detect the H dependence of \(\gamma \) as follows: \((\partial \gamma / \partial H)_T = (\partial ^2 M/ \partial T^2)_H\).
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go back to reference Aoki D, Kimata M, Sato YJ, Knebel G, Honda F, Nakamura A, Li D, Homma Y, Shimizu Y, Knafo W, Braithwaite D, Vališka M, Pourret A, Brison J-P, Flouquet J (2021) Field-induced superconductivity near the superconducting critical pressure in UTe2. J Phys Soc Jpn 90:074705 Aoki D, Kimata M, Sato YJ, Knebel G, Honda F, Nakamura A, Li D, Homma Y, Shimizu Y, Knafo W, Braithwaite D, Vališka M, Pourret A, Brison J-P, Flouquet J (2021) Field-induced superconductivity near the superconducting critical pressure in UTe2. J Phys Soc Jpn 90:074705
: Paradise for Condensed-Matter Scientists
Dr. Katsuki Kinjo
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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