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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Pathway to Energy Transition: Present Scenario and Future Scopes

Authors : Gourav Kumar Rath, Swagata Sharma, Sakshi Singh, Gaurav Pandey, Ishita Arora, Nadezhda Molokitina

Published in: Sustainable Design and Eco Technologies for Infrastructure

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The budding energy demands of the world have resulted into increased requirement of energy resources. The lifecycle of conventional fuel from harness to consumptions results in the release of pollutant into the atmosphere. The growing environmental damages have forced the scientists to explore and develop cleaner energy sources. Energy from renewable sources, hydrogen and natural gas hydrates are considered as clean fuel. However, before adapting to a new energy sources, implementation of several strategies needs to be accomplished. Efficient strategies for energy exploitation, storage and transportation are highly essential for effective energy transition. Energy transition is currently an emerging area to reduce the carbon emissions. Decarbonization plays an important role in achieving a sustainable energy transition through Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) processes. This paper discusses the need of energy transition with changing times, challenges and future scopes in different energy production and storage prospective. An elaborate study on decarbonization and methods employed are studied in this paper. It was concluded that energy transition goals 2050 has been a priority of countries all over the globe. Development in application of renewable energy sources has helped the scientific community to form a sustainable environment. Carbon capture technologies are an important support system of energy transition. Considering the development in carbon capture, storage and utilization technologies, removal of greenhouse gases is being considered an achievable task.

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Pathway to Energy Transition: Present Scenario and Future Scopes
Gourav Kumar Rath
Swagata Sharma
Sakshi Singh
Gaurav Pandey
Ishita Arora
Nadezhda Molokitina
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore