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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Performance Analysis on Voluntary Geographic Information Systems with Document-Based NoSQL Database

Authors : Daniel Cosme Mendonça Maia, Breno D. C. Camargos, Maristela Holanda

Published in: Developments and Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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With the advent of Web 2.0 and mobile technology, including, smartphones equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) receptors, there has been an increase in the number of individuals who create and share spatial data. Consequently, the ability to store a large quantity of data, in diverse formats is made possible by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that use voluntary data. This study presents a performance analysis of data storage architecture of a Voluntary Geographic Information System (VGIS) that uses a document-based NoSQL database and a relational database for comparison. To carry out the performance analysis it was necessary to remodel the application database from a relational database to a non-relational model. Furthermore, insertion and reading tests were needed, and performed in local and clustered environments using a simulator that generates random data on a large scale. The test results have sought to analyze the performance and feasibility of using a document-based database from data storage architecture for VGIS.

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Performance Analysis on Voluntary Geographic Information Systems with Document-Based NoSQL Database
Daniel Cosme Mendonça Maia
Breno D. C. Camargos
Maristela Holanda
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