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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

6. Personal and Organizational Transformation: Indian and American Perspectives and Experiences

Authors : Madhulika Sagaram, Prasad Kaipa

Published in: Personal, Educational and Organizational Transformation

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The chapter outlines and describes transformation from various perspectives and levels of engagement using various elements of transformation that are discussed from both the Indian and the US perspectives. Models of transformation from the Indian paradigm of oneness or non-duality are used to interpret the elements, process, and knowing of transformation. Personal and organizational transformation merges into lived experience facilitating a mental shift from understanding to presence in the now. Various and diverse points of view and their energies merge into one experience of transformation and beauty bringing together and synthesizing transformation as an experience of presence rather than a mere tool or concept.

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Personal and Organizational Transformation: Indian and American Perspectives and Experiences
Madhulika Sagaram
Prasad Kaipa
Copyright Year

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