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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Pervasive Business Intelligence: A Key Success Factor for Business

Authors : Teresa Guarda, Marcelo León, Maria Fernanda Augusto, Filipe Mota Pinto, Oscar Barrionuevo, Datzania Villao

Published in: Developments and Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Today the strategic significance of information is fundamental to any organization. With the intensification of competition between companies in open markets and often saturated, companies must learn to know themselves and to the market through the collection and analysis of quality information. The strategic information is seen as a key resource for success in the business, which is provided by Business Intelligence systems. A successful business strategy requires an awareness of the surrounding (internal and external) environment of organizations, including customers, competitors, industry structure and competitive forces. Managing the future means not only is able to anticipate what will happen outside the organization, but also be able to represent the events through their own actions timely. To make it possible, Pervasive Business Intelligence arises as a natural evolution of business intelligence applications in organizations, allowing to companies achieve and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage, helping managers react proactively in a timely manner to threats and opportunities.

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Pervasive Business Intelligence: A Key Success Factor for Business
Teresa Guarda
Marcelo León
Maria Fernanda Augusto
Filipe Mota Pinto
Oscar Barrionuevo
Datzania Villao
Copyright Year

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